The cryptocurrency market is a volatile place. You can go from being high as a kite to being down in the dumps instantly. But that’s not necessarily bad—it just means you get to play with digital currency! I’ve heard about this game called Crypto Crash that lets you do just that, so today, I will tell you all about it.
The Crypto Crash Game
The Crypto Crash Game is a fun and exciting game where you can win real money. It’s simple to play and only costs $1 to join, meaning anyone can participate in this contest.
The main goal of this contest is for you to predict which cryptocurrency will be the most valuable by December 31st, 2019. If one of your predictions is correct, you’ll receive cash prizes based on their accuracy! Check some of the best crypto crash sites for additional details.
How to Play the Crypto Crash Game
- Visit the website
- Select a game mode (casual or competitive) and then click “Start Game.”
- Choose your coin from the available cryptocurrencies on the left side of the screen, then click on its image to see how many coins you have won so far during this round of play. If any other players have chosen that same coin, they will appear at the bottom right corner of your screen under “Other Players.”
- Click on “Play Again” when you’re ready for another round of play!
The Rules of the BTC Crash Game
The rules of the BTC Crash Game are very simple. You want to win a lot of Bitcoin. So all you have to do is buy low and sell high. That’s it!
If you don’t know what “buy low” means, then let me explain: when Bitcoin crashes (or falls), its value drops dramatically–and if you’re quick enough with your fingers on an app like Coinbase or Robinhood, then you can buy a lot of cheap Bitcoin before they go back up again.
Then once those Bitcoin have gone back up again in value (which usually happens within days), sell them for profit! Now that’s what I call winning at life!
When it comes to the BTC Crash Game, there are a few things you need to know. First of all, this game is very volatile–and if you don’t know what that means, then let me explain: it means that Bitcoin can change in price very quickly. So just because you bought some cheap Bitcoin today doesn’t mean they’ll be cheap tomorrow!
The BTC Crash Game is so volatile that it can change prices by hundreds of dollars daily. So what does this mean for you? If you want to win big at the BTC Crash Game, you must be one step ahead of everyone else. You need to be able to predict when Bitcoin will crash next–and, more importantly, how much it will drop in value during those crashes!
How to Win the Bitcoin Crash Game
Win by getting the highest score.
This is the easiest way to win but also the least fun. You have to get as many points as possible before anyone else does. If you’re playing with many people, this can be difficult because they’ll be trying their hardest not to let anyone pass them up on points or even get close enough that they might pass them up later in the game!
Win by being the last person standing.
This is another easy way to win–you must ensure nobody else survives while you do! Your best bet here is probably attacking other players and making sure they don’t have any way out of dying (like food) left over when all your attacks are made; then, when it comes time for everyone else’s turns again after yours has passed through its entire cycle once more (including any extra turns caused by items), there won’t be anyone left except for yourself and possibly one other player who could still take care of him/herself.
Learn about an interesting new game that lets you play with digital currency.
If you’re interested in playing with digital currency, you might want to check out a new game called “BTC Crash.” The free and open-source game allows users to play with real money or fake money. You can even use your cryptocurrency if you have one! And if that’s not enough for your needs, there are options for playing against other people who have their cryptocurrencies–and even those who use fiat currencies (which we’ll talk about later).
We hope you enjoyed learning about the Bitcoin Crash Game and its rules. The game is fun and easy to play, so why not try? If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.