What apps help you achieve your goal of being a better student in college?
There are plenty of apps out there that will help students in the college setting. This article discusses the key features of some of these apps that could help students succeed with their studies. Some factors discussed in this blog post include functionality, ease of use, application areas, and availability.
Hq essay writing app EU views on college students need to be changed. There is a social stigma that has been created in the past. This stigma around students pertains to how wasteful and even how irresponsible students are seen by society. However, in truth, college students are just like everyone else and have expectations for what they want from their working environment. These expectations might not be entirely career-oriented. Most of these expectations come from the perspective of an improved lifestyle or an overall better experience.
The apps discussed here are listed in alphabetical order.
1. Compass
Compass is a reading and writing app that predicts the likelihood of students understanding what they have read or written. This app helps students become better writers by focusing on aspects such as sentence structure, word choice, and paragraph organization.
2. Cram
Cram is an app that allows students to create flashcards and review them using pictures, text, or audio. The app also allows students to study their flashcards in different languages. This can be a good supplemental tool to help memorize information for an upcoming exam or quiz.
3. Flashcards+
Flashcards+ is another flashcard app that allows students to create their own flashcards and review them using pictures, text, or audio. This app is available on the Android platform.
This app helps students study using questions and answers with a timer feature. Students can also mark the questions they are still not sure about for later review.
4. Gradebook
The Gradebook app is a very simple, clean app that students can use to track their grades. Students can also access their grade book from any computer through the school website. There are options for many different schools in the United States.
5. Study Island 2
Study Island 2 is a flashcard application designed for taking better notes and studying on the go. The app has questions, pictures, diagrams, and text examples of words or phrases to help with study and test-taking techniques.
6. Quizlet
Quizlet is a flashcard application designed for students to study by using cards and multiple-choice quizzes. Students can study with friends and share their flashcards.
7. Study Blue
Study Blue is another flashcard application in which students can create, import, and export flashcards that would be useful when studying or taking an exam or quiz. Studying with friends is also an option with this app.
8. Summarize
The Summarize app is one of the newer apps available on the Android platform. This app is designed to facilitate studying by creating summaries of text that could be useful when taking exams or quizzes for college credit. This app can also be used for non-credit classes or personal enrichment.
9. The Brief
The Brief is a good study aid for students who need strategies for time management. The app provides students with time management strategies and regular reminders to keep them on track. This app could be very helpful for students that have issues prioritizing their time or avoiding distractions.
10. TinyTap
TinyTap is an app that uses a timer feature and flashcards to help improve memory retention in a short period of time, which could be very useful when studying for exams or quizzes in college.
I hope that you have enjoyed this series of articles and will find a few of these apps to be useful when studying in college. I strongly feel that having more efficient apps available can be a great advantage to students.