The nectar collector is an innovative smoking device that has gained popularity due to its unique design and convenient usage. In this article, we will look at how these devices came about and provide a step-by-step guide on using a nectar collector, along with some tips and precautions.
What is a Nectar Collector?
A nectar collector is a portable smoking device typically composed of a glass tube, a heating tip, and a mouthpiece. It was inspired by how bees or hummingbirds collect nectar from flowers. Heatproof materials such as titanium, silicone, and borosilicate glass are typically used to make nectar collectors.
The original nectar collector-type devices were simple glass straws. They were fashioned from simple pipettes purchased from a chemistry supply shop.
These rudimentary dab straws were a straightforward way of vaping cannabis concentrates.
Jefe Zobell suggested the concept of a vertical glass dab piece to Kristian Merwin in 2011.
Then, a little while later, the first Honey Badger device was born. Kristan was refining the concept suggested by Jefe and, while working on an unrelated project, had the inspiration for the first true “Nectar Collector.”
This device would have an inline perc that remained spill-proof.
Sitting at his desk, he sketched the device he had in his imagination. Then, he went to work in the studio, making a sample piece. Within a few hours, Kristian took a dab from the first true Nectar Collector.
He knew right then that this new device would revolutionize how people vaped concentrates. So he and Jefe founded the Nectar Collector brand and never looked back.
What is a Dab?
Dabs are a name that encompasses the many different extracts of the cannabis plant. The final product may vary in color and texture depending on how it was extracted and processed. Some of these extracts are crumbly, others shatter, and some look like sauce. These references to the texture are also used for naming the different products. This gives us products such as terp sauce, diamonds, budder, shatter, and crumble, to name but a few.
How to Use a Nectar Collector?
What you will need: a nectar collector, concentrate (e.g., budder, crumble, terp sauce, diamonds, etc.), a butane torch, and a glass dish/dab tool.
1) If your nectar collector has a water chamber, then place the correct level of water into the device first.
2) Use the butane torch to evenly heat the tip of the dab tool until it is red hot.
3) Allow the tip to cool slightly so as not to scorch the extract.
4) Use the glass dish or a dab tool to bring the concentrate into contact with the heated tip of the dab tool. Place the dab on the side of the heated nail rather than placing the tip directly into the concentrate.
5) You will be able to observe the concentrate being heated and producing vapor. As this happens, slowly inhale from the mouthpiece end of the dab tool.
Tips and Precautions:
Temperature control: The temperature of the heating tip directly affects the vaping experience. Overheating can result in scorching vapor, while insufficient temperature may not produce enough vapor. Finding the best balance will take a little trial and error.
Cleaning and maintenance: Regularly cleaning the nectar collector is crucial to keep it in good working condition. Use detergent and water to clean all parts and ensure thorough drying before use.
Safety considerations:
- Exercise caution to avoid burns or accidents when using a nectar collector.
- Operate it on a stable surface and pay attention to the position of the heat source and the hot tip.
- Do not hold the tip over yourself, as melted wax may drip from the heated end and burn you.
How to Collect Reclaim from a Nectar Collector?
Reclaim is the build-up of vapor residue.
After using a dab straw or nectar collector, you will notice a waxy residue is left behind. Over time, this residue will build up inside the device.
It is caused by the cooling vapor that leaves small traces of wax behind.
These can build up and clog the device. It can also give a charged burnt taste to other vapor that passes it.
The good news is that a lot of the time, we can reclaim this residue and then vape it again.
In glass and metal nectar straws, the reclaim can be collected by slowly heating the device with a torch. The device should be tilted at an angle so as the wax inside melts, it will run down the device and drip out of the end.
Do not heat the silicon parts of a nectar collector with a torch; while they are very heat resistant, they will disform and melt under the direct heat of a butane torch.
You should not use alcohol-based solvents with silicone devices as this can break down the chemical bond of the silicon, which will weaken it.
When collecting reclaim, we would advise using a dab mat and a container to drip the wax into. This will prevent the hot wax from dripping on you and makes collecting and storing the reclaim for future use easier.