PvP is a crucial aspect of Destiny 2 – it can be fun to play but hard to master, especially when you dive deeper into competitive PvP. Honing the skills goes a long way; in the end, you can get much better playing against your fellow Guardians. These key aspects will help you make your name in the Crucible.
Movement is the Key
While training the movement is vital in each FPS game, with much higher player mobility and three-dimensional gameplay of Destiny, mastering it is much more critical and complicated. First, ground movement – strafing can make a huge difference in a firefight. Learn to move in a less predictable pattern, and you’ll give your opponents a hard time landing their shots. Second, air superiority – take advantage of your hovering abilities and catch your opponents off guard with unexpected angles outside the area of focus.
Train Your Aim
While the Destiny has much more aim assistance than any competitive shooter out there (usually, they have none), all guardians are still on equal grounds, and improving your aim means getting ahead of your opponent. Find the guns that require you to hit the bullseye all the time and spend more time practicing the runs in Crucible. Try to consciously hit the headshots instead of focusing on the player model. Get a better feeling of your main guns and the recoil. Doing all that while playing Destiny is a superior option because you will practice the map and movements simultaneously and get used to your in-game sensitivity. Additionally, if you want to work solely on your mouse movements and reaction, you can use third-party Aim Trainers, such as KovaaK’s, Aimlabs, or any other of your choice.
Bring the Best Guns
Once you’ve had enough practice with the shooting, make sure you’re using the best this game offers, or facing off against an equally skilled opponent with better weapons won’t end in your favor. Some of the best guns in the game can be either crafted or obtained through pinnacle endgame activities such as Trials of Osiris or even Raids and Dungeons. A quick look at the current meta reveals that the most used shotguns shaping the competitive scene are obtained in the Root of Nightmares raid (Conditional Finality) and Grasp of Avarice Dungeon (Matador 64). And beasts like Igneous Hammer (Adept) or The Immortal (Adept) are locked behind Flawless Card in the Trials of Osiris.
Getting such weapons in their best versions undoubtedly gives you an edge over opponents. On the other hand, getting one without assistance can be a rough challenge – you can either try to find like-minded people in LFG and farm these activities or get these weapons through Destiny 2 boosting services, which is much easier and faster. Either way, you must respect the Meta and acquire it if you consider yourself a competitive player.
Read the Radar
You cannot underestimate the power of radar in reading the situation around you – having awareness and directions to your enemies paired with the knowledge of the map can give you crucial info on your opponents, and you will react accordingly. Tricking the radar, on the other hand, with abilities that provide invisibility, can allow you to do some great flanks and surprise attacks. One should simultaneously be mindful of the surroundings, sounds, and radar to achieve tactical superiority.
Figure out Your Loadouts
We’ve already touched the point of using the best guns, but there is more to it. Using a combination of primary and secondary weapons to be ready for multiple engagement scenarios, such as sniping and close-quarters combat, is equally important. Use what you’re comfortable switching to, depending on the gunfight you find yourself in, and be always prepared. Refer to the PvP Weapons Meta to find the best options and choose wisely.
Build and Stats
Customizing your subclass and armor stats to complement your playstyle is another vital aspect of PvP, as the weapons are not the only thing that matters in Destiny 2. Under certain conditions, various Aspects and Fragments, such as Knockout for the Arc Titan, can significantly power up your performance in PvP. Make sure to look at the relevant guide for your class to see which ones perform the best, or simply try them out yourself and keep experimenting to find what’s good for you. Combine the build with matching exotic, and become an unstoppable force.
As for the armor stats, you should always try to maximize the Resilience, so it will be much more difficult to kill you with certain weapons compared to low-res guardians and focus on your class’s primary stat to improve the regen of your class ability: Resilience for Titan, Recovery for Warlock, and Mobility for Hunter. The rest is up to your preference.
And let’s not forget about the mods! I’ve seen so many players run around with the same PvE mods in Crucible instead of utilizing the Targeting on the Helmet to improve your aim assist and ADS, Dexterity on Gauntlets to switch to your secondary faster than your opponent, or Unflinching on Chest, to suffer less when you’re being shot at.