Have you ever thought about getting a solar panel roof but worried that the cost would be outrageous? It may surprise you to learn that the cost of solar power has significantly dropped. In the past decade, the cost of installing solar power has fallen by 70%.

If there was ever a time to install a solar panel roof, the time is now. Keep reading to see how cost-efficient solar panels are, and learn to install your solar panel roof today.

Going Solar

There are lots of reasons why people are making the switch to solar energy. We already mentioned that the cost of solar power is down, but here are five more reasons why people are going solar.

  1. Tax incentives
  2. Reduces carbon footprints 
  3. Increases the value of your home
  4. Save thousands of dollars
  5. Easy to install

It is for all these reasons that 1 in every 600 Americans is installing solar power each quarter. 

Assess Your Roof

The first thing you want to do before installing solar panels is to check your roof. Make sure it can handle the weight of the panels before you install them. The last thing you want to do is install solar panels over a roof that is on its last leg and will need to be replaced soon.

Check your roof for any leaking or damage, and make sure that these are taken care of before installing a solar panel roof. You will also want to trim back any trees, as this can cause severe damage to your solar panels.

The direction your roof faces matters, as well as if it gets too much shade. If that is the case, then a solar panel roof might not be right for you. So be sure to get answers for solar installation before installing your solar panels.

Ready to Install

Once you have determined whether a solar panel roof is right for you, it’s time to install your panels. If you are comfortable with heights and want to save on labor costs, then here are eight steps to installing your panels.

  1. Install mounting using stanchions 4 feet apart
  2. Drill holes into the roof where screws will go
  3. Use an impact driver for maximum tightness and seal screws
  4. Install aluminum rails and measure them for equal distance
  5. Attach wires underneath each panel with a power inverter kit
  6. Place panels on top of stanchions
  7. Join plug connections and screw down retaining clips to rails
  8. Connect electrical wires to electrical meter and sub-panels

Don’t let these steps intimidate you. There are many how-to videos available out there to walk you through your solar installation.  

Enjoy Your Solar Panel Roof

If you still feel uneasy about installing a solar panel roof yourself, then hiring a professional might be the best thing to do. Once you have the solar roof you always dreamed of, you will be able to sit back and enjoy the many benefits of solar energy for many years to come.

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