person holds door lever

In all of the excitement that comes with buying a new home, you can’t forget there are certain things you need to do before moving into your new residence. If it’s an existing structure, you would certainly want to consider hiring a cleaning company to come to give the home a good cleaning. It would also be a good idea to make sure everything (appliances, sliding doors, etc.) is fully operational. To be clear, it is always best to make repairs before making a move.

There is one more thing you should do. It’s something most people forget until something happens to remind them they missed it. What would that be? You should immediately schedule an appointment with a reputable and professional residential locksmith.

After taking the leap of faith by buying a new home, you want to feel safe in your new home. What makes most people feel safe is having reliable security systems in place. That would typically include having good locks on the doors and windows and a home electronic security system as an extra layer of protection. Let’s talk about the services a residential locksmith can offer to a new homeowner.

Note: It’s reasonable to hire a residential locksmith to inspect home security prior to making the purchase of the home. This would be especially true if you wanted to use home security as a negotiating tool when you are dealing with the seller.

By the way, all of the above and the following information also pertains to rental units. The focus of this writing will fall on home ownership because homeowners have a lot more responsibility and flexibility in terms of protecting their homes.

Rekeying Locks

If you are buying an existing home, you can’t afford to assume that the prior homeowners have turned over all of the home’s door and window keys. That would be unreasonable. It would also expose you and your family to the possibility someone other than family members will have access to the home.

Every time you move, whether it be a purchased home or an apartment, you should strongly consider having all external and internal locks rekeyed. The cost associated with doing this will be next to nothing compared to the peace of mind you would get from doing it. If the home is a new construction home, you’ll have to decide for yourself whether or not you want to trust the developer.

A good locksmith technician can rekey a house full of door and window locks in as little as a couple of hours.

Repairing and Replacing Locks

Prior to rekeying existing locks, it might be a good idea to have a professional locksmith come out and test all of the home’s locks. This is something that is better done before you actually make a move.

As a locksmith technician test locks, they’ll be able to identify locks that need repairing or replacing. They might make recommendations about replacing locks that are outdated and easy to manipulate. They might also recommend that you consider going with a master locking system. That would help reduce the number of keys you need for your home.

Here’s the thing. Your home should be your safe place. You have an obligation to protect your family members and personal assets as best as you can. If that requires an investment in quality state-of-the-art locks, that’s an investment you should consider making. Again, lock decisions are decisions that should be made prior to taking possession of the home.

Repair and Installation of Home Electronic Security Systems

If you purchased a home with a home electronic security system in place, it would be a good idea to see what you have. With a call to a professional residential locksmith, you can get an expert to come out and test your system. After testing the system, they might recommend making repairs or even replacing the system.

If they recommend replacing the system, it will come at a cost. The value would come from the protection the system would afford you and your family. For some types of home electronic security systems, a professional residential locksmith should be able to handle the installation process. Once again, this is an endeavor that would be easier to address while the home is empty.

Home Lockouts

In the excitement of living in a new home, it’s very easy to forget your keys or home a locking system works.

And there are only a few things more frustrating than locking yourself out of your new home. Whether you’ve lost your keys or simply forgotten them, being locked out can ruin your day. And if it happens at night, it can be even more stressful.

So what should you do if you find yourself in this predicament? The first thing to remember is not to panic. It happens to everyone at some point, and it’s not the end of the world. The second thing to do is to call a residential locksmith.

Why? Well, there are a few reasons why you should hire a residential locksmith instead of trying to break into your own home. First of all, it’s illegal to break into your own home. Yup, didn’t know that either. If you’re caught, you could be arrested and charged with a crime (unlikely, but it can happen).

Second, it’s not safe to try to break into your own home. You could damage your door or window, trigger your security system, or worse, injure yourself.

Third, a locksmith is a professional. They have the tools and expertise to get into your home quickly and safely. They can also make a new key for you if you’ve lost your original – and it’s definitely cheaper than replacing a door or window.

So if you find yourself locked out of your home, don’t try to break in. Just call a residential locksmith. They’ll be able to help you get back inside quickly and safely.