Tindral Sageswift is a Seer of the Flame, obsessed with restoring immortality to the kaldorei and wishing to resurrect Amirdrasil in the fire. Teaming up with Fyrakk, he confronts the best champions of Azeroth, who are trying to save the new world tree. He is the eighth boss in Amirdrasil, the Dream’s Hope raid dungeon in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
The raiders will have a difficult task to defeat this prominent leader of Druids of the Flame. If you are not ready for this challenge, then we recommend ordering the Amirdrassil Raid carry boost to run the entire instance with a professional team or opt for a completely AFK experience, where a booster takes control of your character via account sharing. In case you prefer to actively participate in the battle with this boss, then this detailed guide will come in handy.
Tindral Sageswift, Seer of the Flame: Tactics and Abilities Breakdown
Tindral Sageswift can take four different forms: humanoid, owl, moonkin, and Treant of the Flame. When in humanoid form, Tindral uses Mass Entanglement to root players and deliver damage. The boss may use Sunfire and summon Fire Beams while in Moonkin form. Treant of the Flame zaps players with Suppressive Ember energy and burns them with Tranquility of Flame. Becoming the Owl of the Flame leaves behind Empowered Feather, allowing gamers to take to the sky on their dragons.
Throughout the fight, Tindral will be shapeshifting back and forth to his humanoid and all of his druid forms in a particular order. The encounter is divided into three phases and two intermissions.
Phase One — Moonkin of the Flame
This phase starts with the boss in his Humanoid form. He then transforms into Moonkin and Owl forms, with each of them coming with unique abilities:
- Searing Wrath — A stackable debuff that causes tanks to take Fire damage every 2 seconds for 20 seconds. The secondary tank should be prepared to taunt the boss before the damage is unhealable.
- Wild Mushrooms — Tindral spawns Poisonous Mushrooms and Blazing Mushrooms around himself every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. After 3 seconds, each Poisonous Mushroom erupts, dealing Physical and Nature damage to players in the vicinity, as well as increasing their damage absorbed from Poisonous Mushrooms by 500% for 3 seconds. If Poisonous Mushroom fails to target a player, it does Nature damage to all players every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds. In its turn, each Blazing Mushroom bursts after 3 seconds of creating, dealing Physical and Fire damage to players in the area and increasing their damage absorbed from Blazing Mushrooms by 500% for 3 seconds. If the Blazing Mushroom misses a player, it does Fire damage to all players.
- Falling Stars — Stars begin to fall and move toward a random player, dealing Astral damage in their path and leaving behind Star Fragments. Star Fragments burst in a 4-yard radius after dealing the same amount of damage as Falling Stars.
- Mass Entanglement — Fiery Vines appear across the platform, attacking the raid group. Those raiders who are ensnared in Vines start taking Fire damage every 1 second and are rooted to the spot until the Vine is destroyed.
- Moonkin of the Flame — The boss transforms into a Moonkin of the Flame and begins to spam Sunfire every 3 seconds. Sunfire deals Nature damage and a DoT debuff.
- Fire Beam — Another ability used by the boss during Phase 1 in his Moonkin form. Tindral fires fire beams in a 15-yard radius, causing Fire damage to raiders who do not avoid the impact. This hit generates a series of moving beams that deal Fire damage every second.
Intermission — Burning Pursuit
Tindral transforms into an Owl and begins soaring. Players can follow him with their dragon mounts by using Empowered Feathers dropped by Tindral upon his metamorphosis. Flying through Dream Essence grants players a stackable boon that boosts raid damage by 5% per stack. After consuming Dream Essence, an Emerald Gale appears, increasing the player’s flying speed and providing 3 stacks of Vigor, which is a throwback to Alysrazor fight from Firelands of the Cataclysm expansion.
- Typhoon — Owl of the Flames casts Typhoons in the area, doing Nature damage to players.
- Scorching Feather — This ability is released into the air by the boss, leaving Scorching Plumes behind. Plumes dealing Fire damage to players and eliminate 3 Vigor stacks.
- Supernova — Tindral Sageswift uses Supernova to shield himself for 10% of his maximum health and summon a dying star that deals Fire damage to all players every 2 seconds. Supernova also causes Astral Heat for 3 seconds. Astral Heat is a debuff that enhances the damage taken by Fire spells by 50%.
Phase Two — Treant of the Flame
Humanoid and Owl forms have the same abilities from phase one and Intermission one:
- Suppressive Ember — The boss surrounds some players with this effect that absorbs the next healing. Suppressive Ember stacks.
- Seed of Flame — This is a massive AoE attack that damages everyone over 10 seconds. At this time, the boss will also scatter a bunch of flame seeds. If raiders do not step on the seeds, they will sprout Flaming Trees, which will begin to deal Fire damage every 2 seconds to all players.
The second intermission will be identical to the first one. All the forms and spells, including Supernova, will be used by the boss in phase three. Raid parties on the Heroic and Mythic difficulties would have to contend with all the extra mechanics from the Owl and Humanoid forms.
What Rewards Can Raiders Obtain for Defeating Tindral the Sage, Seer of the Flame?
Defeating Tindral the Sage, Seer of the Flame, comes with its own unique set of challenges and risks, but the rewards are undeniably worth the effort. Among the treasures that await victorious raiders are some extraordinary items that can greatly enhance your character’s abilities. These include:
- Plans: Flourishing Dream Helm that teaches the owner how to craft the Flourishing Dream Helm
- Bow: Ashen Ranger’s Longbow
- Trinket: Belor’relos, the Suncaller
- Dagger: Betrayer’s Cinderblade
- Junk: Mystic Blazing Dreamheart, Dreadful Blazing Dreamheart, Venerated Blazing Dreamheart, and Zenith Blazing Dreamheart
- Staff: Eternal Kindler’s Greatstaff
- Amulet: Eye of the Rising Flame
- Plate Armor: Smoldering Chevalier’s Greatbelt
- Leather Armor: Tasseted Emberwalkers
In addition, the item levels from the last two bosses of Amirdrassil — Tindral and Fyrakk, are higher than from the other seven. Therefore, raiders who defeat this druid of flame will receive items from 450 ilvl in raid finder mode to 489 ilvl in Mythic difficulty mode.