On the second date, the table has been reserved already, and you are nervous but ready. One last look in the mirror to see if everything looks fine, and there you find yourself spending more time looking at your forehead than normal… a pimple! How is that possible? Why does it seem like these unwanted guests are always showing up when it’s everything but convenient? And why is it possible that with a regular skin routine, you still get pimples or imbalances on your head skin from time to time? Please read through our article. It might give you insights into where pimples might come from without you even knowing it!
Linen on the bed
Did you know that the linen on your bed is one big source of bacteria and that this will have a big influence on how clear and balanced your head skin is? Imagine that you refresh your pillow linen only twice per week; the skin of your head has a lot to deal with then!
A lot of make-up that is sold in mainstream drugstores does have a lot of chemicals in it. It might be that the skin of your head is not holding this up very well and that potential pimples or imbalances come from the make-up you use! If you experience those imbalances overnight, you should definitely check if you recently started using new make-up!
Skincare routine
Another very important factor in order to get your head skin peeled and nice-looking is to conduct a skincare routine every evening. Make sure that you’ll clean the head of your skin thoroughly and that you remove all the make-up from your head! When you are aiming to look for natural skincare routine products, we suggest taking a look in a wholesale CBD. Within a wholesale CBD, you’ll find a lot of skin products that are good for your skin!
Shampoo and conditioner
Did you ever think about the fact that your shampoo might influence the way your skin looks? As the same with make-up, it might be that your shampoo or conditioner contains chemicals that your skin can’t hold up to. Now you might think ‘’shampoo in my hair has nothing to do with the skin of my head’’… nothing is further away from the truth! When using shampoo, it will definitely touch your forehead, and without even noticing it, it will also get on other parts of your face!