Everyone who has ever learned a new language, or even traveled outside of their own hometown, has heard new words or phrases they never have before. The most interesting ones, of course, being – swear words!
It can be fun to learn things like the pendejo meaning, but always be careful when implementing these words in conversation. This is particularly true if you are a visitor in a foreign land (or even a completely new neighborhood); the last thing you want to do is offend anyone.
With all that said, learning a few common curse words from around the world can be an interesting way to bond with others, and be an excellent conversation starter (if handled properly). Let’s face it, everyone curses sometimes. Update your curse vocabulary with these four uncommon swear words and phrases from around the globe.
Pendejo (Spanish)
The word, “pendejo,” is of Spanish origin and translates literally to “pubic hair.” When it is used as slang, it is intended to mean someone is an “idiot” or an “asshole.” Certain websites will give you the literal translation with examples of these curse words used in a sentence or general conversation.
For example:
Cocinero: Este pendejo empezó a trabajar en mi cocina.
Cook: This dumbass started working in my kitchen.
Again, the word is intended to be slang or a casual adjective. It is not meant to be a direct insult or attack. If you were to integrate the word into an English sentence, it would look something like this:
That pendejo just cut me off!
In whatever “colorful” way you choose to use this Spanish, slang-curse word, you can be sure it won’t be something someone has heard before.
Himmeldonnerwetter (German)
Instead of saying, “damn it,” wouldn’t it be much cooler to say, “Himmeldonnerwetter?” I must admit, this is one I use most often, and it is not as much fun as shouting out this German curse word meaning the equivalent.
As usual, the direct translation is even more interesting. In English, Himmeldonnerwetter is best translated as “heaven thunder weather.” You could almost say that in lieu of “damn it” and it would be interesting enough. Getting out a 7-syllable foreign word in place of our lazy 4-letter words might be difficult in the heat of the moment, which could make it that much funnier.
Chances are, remembering “himmeldonnerwetter” will prove difficult. The great thing about that is you can say it as much as you want in front of your kids without the risk of them repeating it. Even if they pronounce it better than you do, no one else will know what they are saying.
Na mou klaseis ta’rxidia (Greek)
Sometimes, we need an appropriate swear word or phrase that we really do mean. Since what we say can always hurt us, and others, why not get even more satisfaction by insulting someone – respectfully.
If someone is being truly awful, consider this Greek cursed phrase: “na mou klaseis ta’rxidia.” Directly translated it means, “fart on my balls.” I will give you a moment to stop laughing from that one.
However, Greeks use the phrase to say, “you are powerless and ineffective.” What is interesting about the intended meaning is that the translation contains no swear words at all. It is one of the most insulting things you could ever say to someone and retain your respectability.
Just For Laughs (Japanese)
There are a lot of scenes in movies that are funny because someone is running off a million curse words or insults at someone but adding a unique variation to it.
Afterall, you can only say the 4-letter words, and other curse, and insulting phrases so many times before they lose their effectiveness. The old school, “go jump in a lake” doesn’t seem to have the teeth required these days to really have much impact on anyone.
For something just hysterically funny, do your best to memorize this Japanese phrase:
“Tofu no kado ni atama wo butsukete shine.” This translates to: “Hit your head on a corner of tofu and die!”
If you can memorize a Japanese phrase, that is impressive. That is even more impressive if you can stay mad at someone after saying this (especially translated).
The intention of learning some new, fun swear words shouldn’t be to offend. We all need to blow off some steam when we smash our thumb with the hammer or if someone cuts us off in traffic. And yes, there are times when someone has an insult coming to them.
By learning a few uncommon swear words and phrases from around the globe, you can enhance your vocabulary, as well as create bonds with other cultures through a common language.