The period right before you head into a college might be one of the most uncertain times in your life. You’re stuck in between two phases of your life, and you have no idea what to expect. You’re confused, excited, and most likely more than a little bit stressed.
Preparing for college is one way to ease that stress. Whether you’re about to start college or still a few months away, hopefully, something on this list will help with getting all of your things in order and making your transition into a college student smoother.
Get professional help
Chances are you’re feeling a slightly out of your depth. Everyone has a different opinion on where you should study, what you should study, and how you should do it. You might feel overwhelmed and terrified of making the wrong decision. Luckily, there are people who specialize in this. You can get a college admissions consultant to help you with all of your questions, as well as the application process. Having someone assist you will probably take the weight off your shoulders a bit.
Start saving
It’s never too early or too late to start saving for colleges. It is possible that your dream college is in a higher price range, so you might want to scale back on your expenses and start saving if you haven’t already. If you have anyone you can ask for help, do it. Your parents or partner will most likely want to see you succeed. If you don’t want to take their money, you can always make an arrangement to pay it back later. Depending on your situation, you might also be able to apply for a scholarship, financial aid, or a study loan.
Start shopping early
You’ve probably experienced back-to-school madness at least once in your life. The prices go up, the stores are crowded, and you struggle to find anything you’re looking for. If you start shopping for college early, you’ll be able to avoid the added stress. Chances are that you’ll need a lot of new school supplies before you head off to college. You might need new clothes if you’ll be studying somewhere with a different climate, or even furniture if you’ll be moving out of the home. If you start shopping early, you can plan better and therefore also shop smarter.
Start focusing on school
If you still have a while before you finish high school, start putting as much as you can into your academic progress. Even if you only have a few tests left and don’t have much time, getting great grades on those could make all the difference when it comes to college. This is also the ideal time to try out different study methods and see what works best for you.
The last thing you want is to enroll in a college, only for you to realize it wasn’t what you thought it was going to be. Do as much research as possible before deciding on a college. This can include online searches, virtual tours, or talking to current or ex-students. Decide what you’re looking for in a college and make sure to apply to colleges that meet your desires.