Most people prefer walking than taking public transportation. This does not just save them money, but it also a good practice of exhausting yourself before having a good night sleep. Walking is best done, especially at night. It gives you an opportunity to take your mind off things even for a short while. But are your streets safe for walking? Or you feel the danger of walking on the streets alone at night?
For whatever reason, most people prefer walking at night than during the day. The volume of people are less at night, and the environment is peaceful. It may seem an advantage to take short or long walks at night, but your safety is at risk regardless of your neighborhood. As a pedestrian, you have to be cautious about your surroundings and the path you’re taking. These 10 tips on how to walk safely at night will give you enlightenment.
Walk on Off-Road Paths or Sidewalks
In walking at night, choose a path where you are visible to other people. This involves off-road paths and sidewalks. There are situations where people choose other routes than taking paths, which has an increased volume of people passing by. It provides convenience and peace.
You all know sidewalks tend to be more busy and noisy, especially at night. But your safety is never compromised considering that main sidewalks are lit up by establishments and street lights. Choose the off-road paths that will make you feel safe even if you’re taking the path alone.
Beware of Hazard Signals
Eyes on the path you’re walking on. Beware of hazard signals which is a sign of construction or under maintenance. Most of the time, there are no hazard signals causing you to trip or fall over. If the streets are dark, light up your path with the flashlight of your phone to have a better view. Don’t compromise your safety with convenience by taking alternative routes with undergoing construction. The visibility of the path at night is not as highly effective as it is in the morning.
Use Routes Where Most People Pass By
What better way of ensuring your safety than passing by routes that most people take? Taking the same route as most people will more likely alleviate your chances of encountering people with bad intentions.
Do not wander in paths you’re not familiar with and are not well-lit. This increases the chances of being played on by strangers or being lost in the middle of nowhere. Other routes may provide convenience for you, but it compromises your safety to getting home safely.
Take Extra Precaution in Crossing the Streets
Not all vehicles follow pedestrian rules and regulations. This risks the pedestrians on and off road in experiencing vehicular to a human collision. Even if you find these cars practicing driving etiquettes, don’t lower your walls and remain extra careful.
Keep your eyes on the road while crossing and avoid using your cellular phones. Look on both sides of the road before crossing and make sure that the traffic light is in red.
Walk Facing the Direction of the Traffic
If you are walking on the side of the road, it would be best to face the direction of the traffic. This will give you a clear view of the cars passing by. Moreover, you are safer than walking on the side of the street with the vehicles behind you.
Refrain from Texting or Calling While Walking
Walking alone at night is as risky as driving on dark roads. Stay focused on the path you’re taking. Avoid listening to music with your earphones on while walking. This alleviates your ability to detect danger or harm from other people.
One of the don’ts of walking at night and alone is using your phone. Eyes on the sidewalk or the street. You can use your phone right after you have reached your destination. For the time being, put your phone on silent or vibrate mode to focus on walking.
Be Cautious of the People Surrounding You
Even if you’re passing by a street or a path full people, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re completely safe from harm. In whatever neighborhood you’re walking, be cautious of the people surrounding you. Be wary of unusual activities of people. Some are taking the opportunity to do something bad to you even if there are a lot of people around.
Avoid Routes That are Free From Lighting
Dark paths are not suggested when walking alone. Plan your path ahead and choose the ones with effective lighting enough to illuminate the sidewalks and pathways. Planning your path ahead of time won’t trouble you and give you ideas on taking alternative routes.
Most urban designers think highly of the safety of people who walk in the streets at night. They illuminate the streets with solar powered street lights. Apart from the fact that they provide direct lighting, they are cost-efficient too. They have the ability to generate energy used for lighting by acquiring sunlight during the day.
No matter whether you’re alone or with friends, know that there is potential danger everywhere. Pass by routes where you feel the safest. Stay focused on the path you’re taking and free yourself from distractions. Texting, calling, and listening to music while walking is not advisable. You can do these activities right after reaching your destination. Be cautious of your surroundings to prevent unwanted encounters and accidents.