Learning is a long-life process. One needs to be good at acquiring new information while in education and after. And it is not about the time you spend studying; it is about the efficiency of your technique. You probably remember those kids in school and college that looked like they never study anything but get the best grades.
That’s because they are good learners. And you can become better at it too. “Being a great learner means taking the best of your resources in the shortest amount of time,” says https://paperwritingservice.com/ writer, Adam Johns. Here are the tips on how to achieve that.
Know Your Style
Start by figuring out your learning style – whether it is visual (seeing), auditory (listening), reading/writing, or kinesthetic (doing). These are the 4 main ways that the brain perceives and remembers information. And they differ from person to person. Some prefer to listen to a lecture; others study better when they are reading a book.
Find out your style and use it for studies. Choose the type of materials based on your style. It’s also beneficial to incorporate different memory techniques, such as writing plans or diagrams, watch a video, listening to podcasts, or creating something with your hands.
Manage Time Properly
According to research, the difference between successful and unsuccessful students is self-regulation. This quality predicts the grades of a student much better than self-discipline does. It is important to have great self-regulation techniques. They will help you with all aspects of time and resources management.
Time management is one of the hardest skills to attain, but it is worth it. Plan out your day, create a to-do list, and always set deadlines. Another essential factor is to study during the part of the day when you are the most efficient. If you work better in the evening – do the hardest tasks then. Trying to break your biological clock will just make you give up faster.
Find Value
An important part of being effective is being motivated. And motivation comes from the value any particular knowledge can provide to you. Even if the class doesn’t seem essential for your major, it is in the curriculum for a reason. Always find what it can give you in the long run – new skills, a broader view on the issue, or a new perspective. Focus on how you’ll be able to apply this to your everyday life, career, or further education.
Agile Learning
Being an agile learner means to get information from your experience, build connections between various fields and events, and find new ways to study. To develop agility, one needs to ask for feedback. Try not to get defensive when you get it – use this opportunity as an additional source of information.
Also, try new approaches and learning methods, find connections between different experiences, and have time to reflect on your performance.
Stay Healthy
This is one of the most common pieces of advice for all students, yet, is still extremely effective. Our study capabilities come hugely from the brain and body function; that’s why it is vital to be in the best shape. It includes sleeping well, keeping a nutrition-rich diet, and exercising regularly. If you are always tired, sleep-deprived, and hungry – there is no way you can take the best of your resources.
Take Notes
First of all, notes and writing by hand helps to remember information. During the lecture, you can highlight the key terms and concepts. It is also beneficial to take notes while reading. Secondly, notes help to revise material more efficiently. Thirdly, by taking notes, you can learn analytical thinking because you have to decide which information is actually important.
Intense Study Sessions
Study for shorter, but more intense periods. Work smarter, not harder. For example, set a timer to 30 minutes and up to 2 hours for an intense session. Turn off all distractions, your phone, TV, music, etc. And only learn during this time. Focus on one task at a time – reading, writing, or researching. After that, take a break of 5-15 minutes.
Write Down
This is how we learn from the start – by writing information down. Yes, with a pen and paper, not a keyboard. It is easier to recognize, analyze, and memorize information is such a way for the human brain. Write down key terms, structures, or things to remember.
Improve Memory
There are multiple useful techniques to improve one’s memory. It is a great opportunity to develop the ability to remember more. There are also more fun ways – for instance, brain games. They can be table games, such as chess. But there are also apps for your smartphone developed for memory training. You can play them while commuting or between your study sessions.
In Summary
It is important to approach education as any other task – with the most effective methods. Take advantage of your learning style, manage time, and concentrate on the value. Be more agile, ask for feedback, take notes, and stay healthy. All of this will make you a better student.