In recent years, hearing aid technology has advanced to the point where it is today. Anyone of an age can almost certainly remember the days when those huge, bulky hearing aids would ring loudly when the wearer’s hand reached up to adjust it in the ear. Because of that, they were lovingly called ‘dingers’.
Today, you get none of that, and more to the point, technology has advanced so far that hearing aids are now customized to the exact type of hearing impairment they are meant for. With that in mind, let’s look at the various types of hearing loss today’s hearing aids can benefit.
A Smart Generation of Hearing Aids
Just a decade ago, it was novel for hearing aids to be equipped with T-Coil technology that used loop systems in auditoriums and other arenas where sound systems and speakers were used. That was considered an amazing advance, but today’s advances far surpass that, even though that technology is still in use. You might say that this was the advent of the Smart technology employed today.
The most advanced hearing aids are now able to be connected to Smartphones, televisions, MP3 players, video players, and so much more. As long as the devices are equipped with Smart wi-fi connectivity, hearing aids can pick up crystal clear sounds every time. Today’s Smart hearing aids have noise reduction technology and can literally adapt to any situation in which sound needs to be received. Did you know that today’s hearing aids can make possible hands-free calls through your Smartphone? How amazing is that? Check out www.phonak.com/us/en/hearing-aids.html to learn more about how Smart technology is used in this new generation of hearing aids.
One for All and All for One
For just a moment, consider all the various types of hearing impairment there are. Some people suffer from tinnitus, a ringing in the ear. This is common among the various types of hearing loss, which include:
- Central
- Conductive
- Functional
- Mixed
- Sensorial
But, without going into what each of those are, suffice it to say that today’s hearing aids can serve each and every one of those conditions equally well with adaptive technology. In other words, although you ‘could’ always get a hearing aid that was best suited for one or the other, why would you want to? The adaptive technology goes far beyond the type of hearing impairment to suit any situation the wearer would find themselves in!
The Last Word
Who doesn’t like to get in the last word? Well, this is something you can now do when bantering with your friends. Since you can clearly hear every word they are saying, you can come back with something to top their last remark.
Remember that today’s hearing aids can be virtually imperceptible to anyone you speak with. They can be fitted to be worn Behind-the-Ear (BTE), with the Receiver-in-the-Canal (RIC), and In-the-Ear (ITE). But wait! There is also a 100% invisible hearing aid called the Lyric, and if you really are self-conscious about being hearing impaired, no one needs to know! They are truly that invisible. Hearing aid technology has the exact hearing aid you need, so why suffer hearing impairment? It’s technology to the rescue once again.