D A current problem is the drop in student interest in online classes due to today’s pandemic duration and remote learning. Let’s check out what engagement strategies are possible to improve

Why It’s Important To Have Engagement Strategies For Students

Attention loss in students has always been a problem, even with traditional lectures and class attendance. Due to changing circumstances in the world, we have all moved to part-time online learning. The more semesters students spend on the computer, the more they move away from the classical form of learning. Because of this, there are additional problems such as:

  • Deteriorating social skills.
  • Concentration problems during classes and lectures.
  • Loss of interest in learning.
  • Problems communicating with peers.
  • Loss of motivation to attend online classes.

Despite this, the demands on teachers regarding student performance have not decreased. If you are a tutor, lecturer, or school teacher, you are still expected to provide high academic results from students.

Every teacher does his or her best to ensure that his or her students are actively engaged in the learning process. At times this becomes a challenge, but there is always a way out. That is why individual strategies for student engagement have the right to be applied to the daily routine of lessons. We offer an introduction to some of them in the following paragraphs.

Online Strategies As A Tool For Developing Students’ Skills

Depending on the problems the teacher has with a particular group of students (or with a single student during private lessons), it is around them that strategies for lessons are built and selected. In other words: Knowing the problem of particular students is the right way for the teacher to choose a completely individualized strategy.

The use of teaching engagement strategies helps develop students’ communication skills, leadership skills, and the ability to solve academic problems independently. Likewise, the use of strategies improves communication between students and the teacher. Several productive schemes for working with students will be described in the following paragraphs.

Grouping Students Together

This method can be used with individual students. Create a connection between a pair of students and create a common meeting with each other, for example, once a week. Before doing so, inform each student of the upcoming meeting and ask them to prepare and explore different questions about one common topic.

During the meeting, give each student an opportunity to express his or her opinion and share what he or she has learned. It is quite possible that by listening to each other, students will become more interested in learning about a boring topic. In this way, you bring variety to the learning routine. Each of the students will also feel part of the community.

Please note: connect students who are relatively similar in character. This will make them feel comfortable and look forward to the next meeting.

Collective Learning of Topics

Another way to develop and support the social part of students’ lives. When a teacher teaches a fairly large number of students, it is very difficult for each student to be involved in the process. For this purpose, it is quite advisable to have classes in which students communicate and share information with each other.

How it works: when studying a global topic, give each student (or small groups) one small paragraph to study. That way, they don’t each have to spend a large amount of time researching. In the next lesson, allow time for each student to talk about what they have learned. Make sure the speakers speak in the correct order. This pattern is an active engagement model that allows students to increase communication. It has also been proven that when students communicate with their peers, it is easier to absorb what they are learning.

Allow Students To Express Their Individuality

Traditional teaching most often does not involve giving students the opportunity to be creative. In the past and in the present, this has been a problem of lack of opportunity for the students to express their individuality. Invite your students to explore a topic and make a presentation in a way that they feel is appropriate. When studying global topics, choose 2-3 students each time to be responsible for the presentations. But don’t make the process formulaic. Allow everyone to be creative. If a student thinks he or she can explain a topic using numbers and study strategies-allow him or her to share their own tricks.

Often students share that they are interested in listening to students like them. Create a connection between students in every way possible, and they’ll be eager to join your online lessons.

Self-assessment Of Complexity And Finding A Solution

The essence of the method is to explain to the students the introduction to the topic. The teacher introduces the introduction to the topic and invites the students to draw conclusions about what problems it might contain. This method involves active communication between the students during the lesson.

The teacher should set three tasks for the students: discuss the perceived difficulties of the topic, begin searching for answers, and share conclusions. By allowing sufficient time, the teacher allows students to be independent. After completing the process, the teacher should take his or her part in the discussion and give his or her feedback on the process of the final result. It is important to remember to encourage the students’ efforts.

Active Use Of Virtual Tools

The use of notebooks and pens is slowly but surely receding into the background. It is important for teachers to understand that the addition of various online tools generates additional interest among students. For example, such a tool as an interactive whiteboard not only makes the learning process easier for the teacher but also arouses students’ interest. Observing the process, everyone can take part in the discussion. Also, visual perception of information increases significantly.

Websites like ​​https://jatapp.com/services/application-development-services/ help incorporate various simulations into the training process. Everyone can find the right tool for themselves and their students.

Achievement Of Results Must Be Seen

This strategy is more of a recommendation on how to improve the teacher-student relationship. As an example, take a situation where you have gone a long way in studying a difficult academic topic. Surely the path to the end of the study has been quite difficult. Students may have been stressed and sometimes even desperate. Psychologically speaking, everyone wants praise as soon as they achieve a result. When a teacher takes personal initiative and celebrates his students’ accomplishments with them, he builds a strong mental connection.

The teacher should allow students to take 10 minutes to talk and share personal experiences and accomplishments. It is also possible to express empathy about the whole process. It doesn’t have to be anything massive, but make sure you don’t ignore the positive developments within the online lessons.

Preliminary Preparation Determines The Final Result

The teacher should be ready to work with students before the start of the class period. Preparing an active participation strategies list in advance to increase the overall performance of a group of students (or in the case of private lessons) is more important than it seems. Moral and practical teacher preparation always guarantees a better flow of the learning process. With the understanding that students are increasingly losing interest in taking online classes, almost all teachers are wondering how to improve student engagement and increase overall performance. This is especially important for those who also teach private lessons.

Trying different schemes and strategies, it becomes possible to become the one unique teacher that students will want to come back to every lesson. The mental component of online lessons has a huge impact on everyone involved. Therefore, it will be much easier to achieve results by applying individualized teaching strategies.