We all strive for balance. Yet, sometimes there is so much burden that we feel overwhelmed or even depressed.

It is especially difficult to keep things under control if your level of self-discipline is not very high, and you have no sufficient experience of coping with multiple tasks at the same time.

That happens a lot when you enter a college. You feel stressed finding yourself in a new environment, which at times might feel unfriendly or, which is worse, hostile.

While trying to adjust to the sweeping changes in your life, you risk missing some of your deadlines because of procrastination or mere confusion.

But as Stephen Covey, an American educator and author, put in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule but to schedule your priorities.”

So, let us try to figure out how to achieve study-life balance and successfully accomplish your homework assignments without delays and excessive pressure.

Set Your Priorities

It is better to decide at the very beginning that your priority at college is to study and build an effective network which can be useful for your future career.

And only then, if you have more time and energy, you can have fun with your friends and throw or visit parties.

So, organize your projects and researches based on their deadline dividing them into short-, middle- and long-term ones.

You can experiment with the best times and places for you to study, try to figure out how many breaks per day you need and what you can fill them with (a nap, physical exercises, reading, or hobbies).

Plan Your Schedule

When you have a clear picture of what needs to be done, include all of your assignments into your planner.

Downloading an app is also a good solution as nowadays many of them allow you not only to stay on top of all your tasks and exams but also to calculate grades, receive reminders, manage semesters, etc.

Besides, your schedule can have designated times for both studying and socializing. If you manage to elaborate an effective planning system, you will always find time for your friends and leisure activities.

A must of a good plan is flexibility. You can swap your tasks or sessions so that it is more convenient, and you do not feel confined or uninspired.

Study Effectively

If you want to be productive, you should opt for working smart without exerting yourself too much. One all-nighter when you finish coursework or revise for exams will inevitably be followed by a few lazy days when you fail to get back to studies no matter how hard you try to force yourself.

Also, keep in mind that if for some reason, you cannot cope with your writing assignment or do not have time for researching, etc., you can contact an online essay writing service. You can expect dedication and level of concentration that you would demand of yourself when fulfilling such a task.

Researchers prove that long hours literally kill productivity and hinder your wellbeing, both physical and mental. You will surely achieve more if you divide your study day into several chunks and relax or have fun in between them.

Stop Procrastinating

You might have heard the phrase, “Done is better than perfect.” Well, it is a fact that procrastination is often caused by striving towards the highest ideals.

You might have a habit of tweaking your projects, abandoning them because of fear of imperfection. There is a solution to that – do not hesitate or ponder over the outcome. Just start doing what needs to be done, and you can be pleasantly surprised by the results.

A lifehack is to break a bigger task into manageable parts and reward yourself after you have achieved each goal.

Always believe in your success, because if you do, you are less likely to delay your assignments.

Say ‘No’ to Distractions

The Pareto principle states that 80% of work is completed within 20% of the time, and then 80% of the time is needed to contribute 20% of the results.

No doubt, you know your usual time-killers. In most cases, they are social media, Netflix, and/or video games. So, do your best to avoid them! You can hide your smartphone or even turn airplane mode on.

If your noisy neighbors and their loud music distract you, find a silent study space at the college or go to the library.

Anyway, it is always a matter of intention.

Ask for Help

After you have set your priorities, you should discuss them with your family and friends. It is good to inform them about your schedule so that they know when you cannot be disturbed and when you plan to spend time together.

Moreover, they will always be eager to help you if you are under too much pressure or are emotionally or physically drained.

Your parents might have coped with similar stress before and will be able to give you some advice or suggest a solution.

Do not focus on impressing them or your professors with your success or straight A’s. Going slowly does not prevent arriving, you know.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

It is impossible to reach your full potential if your health is not good enough. For example, because of fatigue, you can get sick more frequently.

A healthy lifestyle starts with healthy sleep habits as your day actually starts the night before. You should sleep 7 to 8 hours a day, and preferably, go to bed before midnight.

Make it a rule not to live off fast food and microwaveable meals, instead keep a healthy diet with fruit and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Also, try to limit caffeine and avoid nicotine.

Go for walks at regular intervals between studies and always find time for physical activities. Choose between jogging or cycling, team sports, or gym workouts.

By following the tips above, you may find it easier to juggle your homework with your social life. Balance is the key to success.