When a harmonious couple isn’t able to conceive a child that becomes a hard experience. It seems that there is no way out, especially after long years of ineffectual tries and disappointment. However, specialists in the sphere of fertility impose that the fight against most infertility causes can be won nowadays. It depends on fast and high-quality diagnostics and efficient methods of treatment like home insemination.
Moreover, if after a number of systematic treatment means utilized you still don’t get the expected result. There is always a right alternative. Based on the modern level of medical service, you can turn to a professional center for egg donation and surrogacy and get a revolutionary decision to your infertility problem. Here and now such cases are no surprise and can be easily applied as your life choice.
10 Reasons for Infertility
Though before finding a suitable solution and infertility treatments, it is always necessary to know the reason and how to deal with it. Professionals who specialize in the question of infertility assert that there are 10 main reasons for that problem. Each can be quickly diagnosed and successfully treated with the tools and means of contemporary medicine.
Let’s have a closer look at these 10 factors and solutions to them.
Endocrine Infertility Causes
Endocrine infertility accounts for up to 30% of all cases, because it disrupts the process of ovulation. The reason can be the malfunction of the system, the dysfunction of the thyroid gland or the adrenal glands. Endocrine sterility may cause uterine bleeding, painful and scanty menstruation and increased hair growth (due to the high production of male hormones).
You need to check the process of your ovulation by measuring basal temperature. Ovulation can be most accurately determined by hormonal blood tests together with ultrasound control.
Endocrine Infertility Treatments
Despite the obvious complexity of the diagnosis, this form of infertility is easily cured with the help of a qualified specialist gynecologist-endocrinologist through the course of hormonal medicine. If pregnancy does not start, patients should switch to alternative modern reproductive technologies.
Infertility Causes Related to Fallopian Tubes
This form of infertility is characteristic for 35% of women. The cause of it is impaired patency of the fallopian tubes. Therefore fertilization does not occur because the fertilized egg cannot descend through down the tubes. This factor also increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The tubes can be blocked by the adhesions formed after inflammatory processes, STDs, abortions, and pathological delivery. Besides, the patency of the fallopian tubes can be provoked by hormonal disorders.
Checking the Problem
Modern surgical methods of hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy are suitable for monitoring the patency of the tubes.
Solving the Infertility Problems
If you have been diagnosed with “tube infertility,” you can quickly restore their patency using microsurgery. Sometimes it does not help, then you can choose assisted reproductive technologies.
Psychological Infertility Causes
Such infertility is associated with nervous system problems in about 30% of couples. Our brain regulates all the body processes and determines readiness to conceive. In such a case, pregnancy is understood by women as a threat to their psychological state. The reasons may be different, including internal conflicts: the necessity of a career, prospective weight and health problems, and even sleepless nights. Fear can also immobilize without significant influence.
Only a competent psychologist can help you comprehend the deep reasons for your infertility and support your getting rid of it.
Psychological Infertility Treatments
If you get free of your psychological problems, conception will become possible.
Uterine Infertility Causes
This form of infertility causes appears due to the malformation of the uterus and comprises up to 15% of the total amount of cases. They include birth defects and acquired health problems that can be caused by eating disorders, chronic diseases, and endocrine disorders.
How to Diagnose?
These pathologies are diagnosed through gynecological examination and are proved with ultrasound examination.
Solving the Problem of Uterine Infertility
This form of infertility is the most difficult for treatment. Sometimes there is a need for donor and surrogate programs, in some cases, pregnancy is accompanied even by reconstructive operations on the uterus.
Immunological Infertility Causes
Sometimes infertility is associated with problems with the immune system. There are several reasons:
- a woman’s immune system cells can produce antibodies to her husband’s spermatozoids;
- a woman’s ovaries produce antibodies to her own eggs;
- the whole body produces antibodies to phospholipids.
Fertilization may not occur because of any of these reasons. In rare cases, when it happens, the antibodies can lead to spontaneous abortion and hard toxicosis.
How to Check?
Three ways of medical testing are suitable for such diagnosis and treatment.
Immunological Infertility Treatments
When the results of tests prove the cause of immunological infertility, specialists can prescribe suitable medicines that suppress antibodies preventing fertilization. Doctors will also advise means of further prophylaxis.
Cervical Infertility Causes
A kind of “death” of viable spermatozoids can occur due to the quality of fluid. There is a special fluid inside the cervical canal that changes depending on the phase of the cycle and protects the spermatozoids from the aggressive environment, but sometimes it can also immobilize them or even “kill.” It happens due to the individual reaction of the particular woman to the specific partner.
Diagnosing cervical infertility causes applying the postcoital test is possible.
Cervical Infertility Treatments
This diagnosis is easily remedied via medical methods or direct surgical techniques.
Genetic Infertility Causes
Genetic infertility can be one of the infertility causes of both men and women. It is possible to assume female genetic infertility after a miscarriage because of natural mutations of genes. It is also believed that factors such as smoking, taking certain medications, and radiation influence can trigger a genetic infertility variation.
Infertility Treatments
If genetic infertility is presumed, a consultation with a geneticist is recommended.
How to Solve the Genetic Infertility Problem?
If there is no 100% solution of the genetic problem, doctors can always advise you to refer to the centers for egg donation and surrogacy, where specialists can support your definitive solution to have a child.
“False” Infertility
This is probably the most “lightest” form of infertility. For instance, a couple is healthy, and pregnancy still does not occur. Such a case is called “false” infertility and the reasons for it cannot be identified by modern diagnostic methods.
How to Check
The reason can be found only during a detailed and trustful conversation with a doctor.
False Infertility Treatments
After competent consultation with a doctor, pregnancy may occur without problems.
Male Infertility Causes
Women usually go first to the doctor in the desired pregnancy doesn’t start. Men often neglect this question, though the malefactor is the reason for 50% of infertility cases. Male fertility is affected by stress, overheating of the testicles, hormonal disorders, alcohol, smoking, medications, and a sedentary lifestyle. Infectious diseases, as well as tuberculosis and injuries, can also lead to male infertility. Besides, radiation and the influence of industrial zone may also be responsible for sterility.
Infertility Diagnostics
Making a spermogram is a necessary first step of diagnostics.
Male Infertility Treatments
High-quality balanced nutrition can assist you in solving the problem. So, the diet should contain zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, which are found in nuts, flower pollen, dried fruits, caviar, and fish. Endocrine disorders are treated with hormonal drugs. The effectiveness of male infertility treatment is up to 75%.
Basic Advice on Infertility Treatments and Prophylactics
A balanced, healthy diet is of considerable importance. The authors of several studies on the connection between infertility and nutrition came to the same conclusion that nutrition containing multiple vitamins and minerals can have a significant impact on fertility. On the contrary, drugs, alcohol and regular smoking are significantly included in the list of fertility factors influencing significantly.
Since often infertility causes are inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive organs, it is necessary to regularly check your health condition and visit a gynecologist at least once a year. Unscheduled examinations are also necessary when any changes or unexpected symptoms appear. A woman must also regularly attend an endocrinologist and a mammalogist.
Final Points
The decision to have kids is a critical one, that’s why it should be made with awareness and responsibility. Careful preparation for conception not only enables you to get pregnant quickly (avoiding all the infertility causes) but also makes it possible to avoid any further problems during pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery. This is a guarantee of the health of the couple and their children. And remember, that even when parenthood seems impossible so far, modern medicine can make it true through a range of alternative infertility treatment methods.