It will not be an exaggeration to put Instagram and eCommerce in the same synonymical row. According to recent statistics: over one billion users use Instagram monthly; 81% of people use Instagram to look for products and services; 130 million Instagram users go in for shopping posts monthly etc. This data proves the point mentioned earlier. Instagram indeed is a mighty tool to promote one’s business and help conversion to boost. An app that is easy to use requires a bit more effort if used for marketing services. Posting content for fun poses a noticeable difference to the photos and videos made to sell. Let’s see how to tackle that difference and make Instagram work for the benefits of your eCommerce business.
Business account
Deciding to promote your business on Instagram it is highly recommended to switch from an ordinary account to a business account. The last one will ensure you have more features to sell your products and be authorized for Instagram shops and have access to analytics which is indispensable for online marketing. Having switched to a business account, your next step on the list is to set up Instagram Shop via meeting the demanded requirements and policies. Self-generated content is preferable, however, whatever visuals you adorn with, make sure to use expert l editing. For example, you might consider using Crello, graphic design software for professional pictures and video editing.
Eligible bio
When your business account is set up and is waiting for the professional content ( will be described further down the line), take care of your bio. Instagram brings people closer and creates an atmosphere of total friendship with its warm comments, support, and sharing. Therefore, putting just a link to your website ( if there is one) will be way too impersonal. When knowing about your ideal clients you will have to show that you are one of them, except for you have a brand that might cure their pains. No way it means you have to pretend to be somebody else, disregarding your authenticity and personality conveyed in the product you create. It simply means that you present your account in the manner it both reveals the real you and speaks to the clients the way each will think, “ it is exactly what and how I needed it”.
Accounts optimization
Having a personal account alongside a business one means that they should align with each other. No copying, however, real you is a brilliant representation of your niche. You live your product, your service. You use it, demonstrate it, showing the great results you achieved because of that great idea that you have come up one day with. Also, it would play really nicely if they share similar styling. They should intermingle, still, each should be filled with the authenticity of its purpose.
Content creation
- Text – catching, enticing and motivating, with a subtle push to action.
Followers and potential clients have to read the lines that show care, support, entertain, express compassion, and suggest solutions, that’s been oh so long-awaited.
- Images – should decorate and enhance the powerful words you’ve written.
They should be relevant and organic. It would be highly appreciated and beneficial for your business to provide users with visual eye-candy, that is consistent in style and recognizable by those who see it. Stick to the coherent color patterns, mind lighting, and focus. People trust consistency and branded themes. As it’s been talked about earlier, professional editing techniques are required to be applied. Stock images generate the feeling of impersonality. Visual content has to be planned thoroughly and its placement rarely random. Special apps are developed to arrange the placement in a certain order.
- Stories – are a great way to not only promote your business but also
effectively interact with your followers. All the features it operates ( hashtags, geo-tagging, polls, surveys, questions, asking for opinion) allow you to learn more about people who follow you. As well, you can see new potential clients, who are stalling to overcome that interest or consideration stage and move straight to ordering. Followers, being able to interact with your business like, let’s say, voting for some changes you want to implement, make them feel to be an essential part of the community. Psychologically proven, we are social creatures and we need to belong to the group. Providing them with such an opportunity you get them to stay loyal and invite others to join.
- UGC ( User-generated content) – with the increasing popularity of your
product, you get followed and your products or services are going to be shared and tagged. It is a marvelous idea to reshare their content on your page so that others may see that real people are satisfied with cooperating with you. Post it in your stories ( watching is beginning to prevail over reading). Make a post with the carousel of such “resources” and express your love and gratitude to people who trusted you and are with you on your marketing journey.
Analytics apps
Besides that analytics, you utilize being a business account, befriend developed analytics apps for Instagram. They are simply treasured chests with crucially valuable information upon the behavior of your audience, about the time and days when your publications should appear for better processing. Also, you may see what posts generate more sales and how to increase that. Just do the research and choose the one that will suit you the best. Good news – some of them are free to use.
Analyzing the following activity, it’s been proven not once, that it is better to have fewer, but indeed active users, rather than a lot, but just for being on the list. If you need people to follow you, be the one who follows, supports, comments, and shows interest. Your kind attitude will let people consider you for their purchasing plans. Do not be afraid to cooperate with influencers. This will not only promote your business among a great number of people but, also, add more people to your page. Cross-promotion is a useful technique to attract attention to what you do – praising others, you get praises for yourself.
SEO in Instagram does not operate key-words it deals with hashtags. Creating a post without adding hashtags to it makes no sense and brings no interaction. It puts you on the map of Instagram shopping and lets you reach a wider audience.
Please, do not ignore this part of promoting. The excellence of your brand, lots of followers, the conversion is happening…nevertheless, do not get carried away and blinded with success. Instagram marketing like any other type of online marketing may be quite merciless; it requires no stopping of growth, improvement, and announcing about your presence in the selling area. Invest in the right type of ads, since every ad format calls for different spots for placement.
Instagram with its potential for marketing and elevating conversion rates has already proved itself to be a powerful tool for doing business and marketing your niche the best way it resonates with your target clientele. Take it seriously, but do not lose the touch of fun, and a sense of ease, and relaxation – your audience needs it in pursuit of finding that for themselves.