Apache Kafka is an event streaming platform with messaging persistence, data integration, and data processing capabilities. It’s also capable of high scalability for millions of messages per second, high availability, and cloud-native features. Kafka was built as a modern, brokered distribution system that emphasizes storage. It was designed to retain messages when systems are offline until they can be received. Guaranteeing storage and delivery results in a continuous flow of messages.

What is event-driven architecture?

The event-driven architecture is a system of loosely coupled microservices that share information through the production and consumption of events. This type of system allows messages to be sent into the event-driven ecosystem and distributed to the appropriate channels.

An event-driven architecture is used to deliver messages from event producers to event consumers. The messaging backbone is based on a traditional publish-subscribe broker or a distributed log, such as Apache Kafka Exactly Once. A publish-subscribe message broker enables consumers to subscribe to groups of messages that are one-time delivery. A log message broker keeps a permanent record of all events in the order they happen and can be replayed from any point in its history.

Kafka and EDA

Apache Kafka can power an event-driven architecture such as real-time message distribution or event streaming across several applications. Communication is at the core of event streaming and processing. Kafka allows data to be distributed and streamed in a lightweight fashion. Combining messaging and streaming capabilities gives users the ability to publish, subscribe, store, and process records in real-time.

By melding messaging and streaming functionality, Apache Kafka provides a unique ability to publish, subscribe, store, and process records in real-time. Users can seamlessly and quickly move data as records, messages, or streams in real-time. Kafka also features native integration support using the Connector API allowing applications to integrate with third-party solutions, other messaging platforms, and legacy systems.

What are the benefits of Apache Kafka?

Still not sure what is Kafka and why it matters? Kafka was built to satisfy communication needs which is why it is a beneficial platform for business users. It is designed with three requirements in mind. Kafka provides a publish-subscribe message model for data distribution and consumption. The platform allows for long-term data storage and replay, which means it can handle data persistence, fault tolerance, and replay. Kafka works naturally with real-time stream processing applications given its design intention as a communication layer. This means the solution is well-suited for applications that rely on a communications infrastructure capable of distributing high volumes of real-time data.

The Future of Application Development

Sophisticated, feature-rich applications are becoming more accessible to business users across all industries. As more business users realize mission-critical applications, the future of application development will reflect them. At the heart of applications will be holistic approaches that streamline innovations into centralized, integrated platforms. Users will continue turning to platforms with design, development, deployment, monitoring, and management capabilities.

Gone are the days of using platforms that only serve one set of business function needs. Applications will rely on multi-functional approaches that can be implemented across all business functions, improve productivity, and collaboration. As more business decisions are based on insights from real-time data, applications need to be continuously updated and modified after deployment. Business users will look to AI-powered automation layers that manage application dependencies and can self-heal regardless of any changes made.

The most valuable tools for business users are those that can serve more than one set of needs and problems. Multi-functional development platforms that are secure, scalable, and reliable will become essential tools for application development.

The most successful applications are developed when business and IT collaborate closely. Sophisticated technologies that feature built-in AI, ensure quick and efficient development schedules and ensure that applications are built securely and reliably allow for their scalability and evolution.