Divorce proceedings have sadly become commonplace in the United States over the past decade. Marriage dissolutions occur more often than would be desirable in a modern society that advocates the preservation of family values. And today, it is the most popular legal activity related to family law, both in the state of Minnesota and throughout the country.

At the same time, it is fair to note that for a long time filing for divorce in the traditional sense was not always an affordable and transparent option. When faced with a number of obstacles, a spouse seeking a divorce may postpone the initiation stage. And in this aspect, the fears and concerns of the petitioner are understandable and justified.

But fortunately, with advances in Minnesota’s divorce and family law, parties can easily manage their divorce. For example, after carrying out some preparatory work, you can qualify your divorce in an uncontested format, thereby speeding up the process and avoiding additional costs of hiring divorce lawyers for legal procedures and assistance.

And by using special online divorce services like onlineminnesotadivorce.com to prepare the divorce documents, you can get additional benefits and advantages, including saving your resources and controlling the whole process. This article will review the positive aspects of choosing a so-called “divorce over the internet” and how you can use this resource to simplify your case.

Uncontested Divorce in Minnesota: Why is it Worth Achieving this Format?

If you have the opportunity to turn your divorce into uncontested – always use this opportunity! The uncontested format of divorce proceedings is the most popular and widespread in the United States, and for a good reason. It offers many advantages for the parties. The main one, of course, is the option of filing for divorce without an attorney or extra unnecessary visits to the court.

The court does not require you to hire a lawyer to get a divorce in Minnesota. Both the petitioner and the respondent are allowed to represent themselves independently as “self-represented litigants.” However, any person who appears in court without an attorney is expected to know and follow the state’s divorce and family law.

Requirements and Benefits of an Uncontested Divorce Type

Qualifying the case as an uncontested one also has its requirements. The parties to the process must reach a mutual agreement in an acceptable format on all the decisive issues related to the divorce. The agreement often includes solutions related to the division and further distribution of joint property, children’s custody, and the payment of alimony, spousal support, and other financial obligations.

The agreement is drawn up in free form, and its additional clauses can be anything that, in theory, could cause legal disputes or mutual claims between spouses after a divorce is obtained. However, if communication between the spouses is difficult and they cannot reach an agreement, mediation is highly recommended.

Uncontested divorce in Minnesota is very popular as it is a faster and more affordable format. Fees for filing for an uncontested divorce in Minnesota total approximately $400. If the divorce is uncontested, only one filing fee must be paid. Once the divorce paperwork has been filed in court, it usually takes 30 to 90 days for a divorce to be final. The start to finish time of the divorce may vary depending on the court’s caseload and the availability of judges.

Among the other obvious advantages of the uncontested divorce, format is the ability to use online services to prepare the divorce paperwork. The benefits of such web services are described in more detail in the next section.

Preparatory Online Divorce Services as Faithful Helpers for Divorcing Couples

Online divorce services are not a magic pill for solving all the problems of a petitioner and a respondent in a divorce case, but such tools are an excellent support option at one of the most important stages in the process — selecting and filling out the appropriate forms for subsequent submission to the court.

For a modest fixed fee, the user can receive a complete package of divorce papers that fully comply with the current norms and requirements of the courts. The generator creates the necessary set of documents based on the information received from the user. As a rule, filling out the forms does not take much time. The user typically receives the finished documents within two business days.