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Player protection is an important issue for every reputable top online casinos. Gambling should always be for entertainment and not lead to negative consequences for the player. Gambling, like many other things, can have negative side effects if not handled carefully. Particular attention should also be paid to the protection of minors.

What Is Gambling Addiction at Non GamStop Casinos?

As with any addiction, gambling addiction at non GamStop casinos also means that one’s own behavior can no longer be controlled, in this case, behavior relating to gambling or betting. Gambling addiction is referred to as pathological or compulsive gambling. Such a player cannot resist the urge to gamble, even if it can have major negative consequences on his or her own life. Those affected by gambling addiction often have accumulated large amounts of debt. Men are more often affected by gambling addiction than women.

A particular problem with online gambling can be the easy accessibility of non GamStop casinos and games such as online casino roulette, online slots, or online poker. While a player previously had to go to the game room or casino, today, he can play from home. Not only is this easier, it also eliminates some of the social control. A player who used to spend every day at the casino has quickly caught the attention of concerned friends and family members. Today, however, gaming can go unnoticed by others.

It is also very easy to wager money in online gambling. The player simply transfers the money digitally from his account to the casino. He takes it less as “real” than if he himself had the banknotes in his hand.

What Are the Symptoms of a Gambling Addiction?

The addiction to gaming and betting can manifest itself in different ways. However, some symptoms occur particularly frequently. This means that your thoughts constantly revolve around playing. A person affected also tries to constantly find new capital to finance his gambling addiction, even if he is already heavily in debt. As the illness progresses, the amount of money invested in games often increases.

The extent of one’s own play is also kept secret from friends and relatives, as this no longer bears any relation to other life activities. Gambling is often used by sick people to suppress problems and forget negative feelings.

Preventive Measures to Prevent Gambling Addiction

In order to counteract the development of a gambling addiction, the player can take some measures himself and should also be aware of his own actions. In order to be able to establish certain rules of conduct, there are also technical aids such as software.

First, a player should set boundaries for their own behavior. These limits include a maximum investment of money and time when betting and also the correct handling of one’s own feelings.

The Correct Use of Time

A player of non GamStop casinos should set a time limit for himself. So he should decide how long he wants to play. This time limit should then also be adhered to. In addition, you should always take breaks when playing, regardless of whether you are currently on a supposed “lucky streak” or not.

A danger that often exists is that you want to reverse the losses you have just suffered with quick profits. But here lies the great danger of losing even more money quickly. This can be counteracted by taking regular breaks.

How to Properly Deal With Your Own Feelings While Playing at Non GamStop Casinos?

Gambling should only ever be for entertainment. On the other hand, if a player plays to distract themselves from problems, this can be problematic. Gambling should also never be viewed as a way to make money.

Special Protection for Minors Against Gambling Addiction

A special point in player protection is the protection of underage players. They cannot yet fully assess their own behavior. Therefore, they should not be allowed access to gambling and betting.

First of all, parents should make sure that their children cannot easily access non GamStop casino accounts via the computer. Such platforms should always be secured with a password.

Many non GamStop casinos also try to identify underage players on their sites and block their user accounts.

What Do Good Non GamStop Casinos Do to Protect Players & Combat Gambling Addiction?

The major non GamStop casinos often have various offers for players who want to better monitor and control their behavior. These offers can help you to implement the above-mentioned recommendations regarding your own behavior.

Setting Stake & Time Limits

A player can set a limit on their own account as to the maximum amount of money they can wager while playing. Such a limit can also be set by the platform itself. In a certain period of time, for example, a week, only this amount can be bet. No further games are possible. A betting limit can only be increased with a certain time delay, but it can always be decreased.

The total time a player spends on a platform can also be limited by a limit. This can always be reduced, but can only be increased with some delay.

Self-exclusion From a Non GamStop Casino

Another option is for a player to have their account blocked on a platform for a certain period of time. It will then no longer be possible to use the account to play. For this purpose, the player can specify a period that seems appropriate to him. As a final option, the account can also be deleted.


Online gambling should always be for fun. However, like many other things, it can develop into an addiction. This can cause great stress for the person affected and also for those around them. Anyone who notices unusual behavior in themselves or in friends or relatives should address this issue as quickly as possible.