Today’s casino is revolutionized with the continued joining of technology and entertainment. It’s normal for players worldwide to log in to an online casino site via mobile or desktop and play a few slots or table games. Technology advances, so operators have even more exciting ways to produce and provide content to members.
While the digital age expands within the iGaming world, it also brings new challenges. Cybersecurity is a major issue that operators must contend with to remain operational and avoid any major issues. Learning how to protect casino tech is essential to the company’s overall operation.
A Continual Threat
With online casinos steadily gaining ground as the top choice for gamblers, it creates a higher need for security measures. Cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to exploit others online, and casinos are a prime target.
Online casinos are home to a wealth of information as well as having monetary value. Criminals can easily gain a foothold if an online casino has a weak security approach. This can lead to personal information being stolen and missing funds. Some criminals even take over and won’t release a company’s online systems until a ransom is paid.
To stop such threats, casinos must have strict cybersecurity protocols in place. Firewalls, encryption software, and intrusion detection are essential to protecting the players and the integrity of the site. The digital infrastructure must be protected, and regular audits are taking place to address any potential issues.
Cybersecurity Should be An Investment
As a business, online casinos must view cybersecurity as an investment rather than an expense. Keeping player information and funds safe for the long term is required. It does come at a cost but can lead to player retention as gamers feel safe and secure playing their favorite slots or live dealer with a select brand.
The consequences of a breach can be dire and cost more than the maintenance of your systems. Take, for example, the 2023 attack on Caesars Entertainment and MGM Resorts. Cybercriminals attacked both brands, and it wreaked havoc on the day-to-day operations.
MGM Resorts took the brunt of the attack, shutting down for ten days and then still having issues weeks later. At first, the company was unable to use its computer systems. A ransom was requested, and casino patrons could not do most things. Digital hotel keys did not work, and slots could not produce tickets. This led to manual services, which are time-consuming.
It’s important to note the potential security issue that the slot hack includes. The hackers could have hacked into the slot software and caused machines to print out winning tickets. This would have cost MGM even more money than they had already lost.
The casino operators offer online services via its BetMGM brand, though it seemed that the iGaming services had not been affected initially by the breach. A few days later, the casino and sportsbook started to have issues. Player information was compromised, and many started to see hackers trying to gain entry to their personal accounts.
MGM and Caesars both had cyber security measures in place, but was it enough? Apparently not, as the hackers were able to gain access to several systems and shut down operations. Did the companies have updated systems in place, or were they offering the same security measures from years ago?
Due to the attacks, many operators are upgrading their systems to ensure that player information and financials are safe.
Protecting Players with Blockchain
Many online casino sites are now opting for blockchain technology to help with banking needs. Cryptocurrencies can easily be used to deposit and withdraw funds safely and securely. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple. Dogecoin, and Litecoin, are just a few examples of crypto options players can access for banking needs.
Cryptocurrency offers an additional layer of security and anonymity, which many players crave. Transactions are seamless and have beefed up security, so you don’t have to worry about any personal information or financials being hacked.
It’s important to note that crypto is not a common option in the United States. Casinos across the nation have yet to embrace the currency option, though we may see it popping up now due to the recent cyber-attacks.
Protect Yourself
You can take measures to protect your online casino and gambling accounts from hackers. Take time to set up two-factor authentication when available. Most online casinos today are offering two-factor options so you can ensure no one has access to your accounts.
Many of the BetMGM casino players whose information was breached in the attack are thankful for the two-factor authentication process. It caused a message to be sent to mobile devices with a sign-in code. The attacker cannot access the code, so the account is protected.
Always set up additional security protocols if it’s an option. Of course, it can be annoying sometimes to have to enter codes, but it ensures your account is protected and no one but you have access to your information.
As long as there are online casino services to enjoy, there will be a threat of cyberattack. Be cautious and join reputable brands so you know security measures are in place. Take action into your own hands and use two-factor authentication, and you add an extra level of security that comes in handy if the online gaming brand is ever hacked.