man wearing watch with black suit

Do you know when you need to contact a criminal law attorney? You’ll certainly want to whip out your phone and call one if you’re detained by the police and accused of a crime. 

But other scenarios warrant calling a lawyer as well. And knowing what you should and should not do is essential if you’re facing a nightmare scenario that could potentially land you in prison.

“If you’re ever charged with a criminal offense, the worst thing you can do is speak before hiring an attorney,” says Rowdy Williams from Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm. “What you say can and will be used against you, so retain the services of an attorney before speaking to the police.”

Continue reading to learn more about three scenarios where calling a lawyer is in your best interests — it may keep you out of serious trouble.

1. Call a Lawyer if the Police Ask You Questions

Contact a criminal law attorney first if the police ever want to question you about a situation where you’ve been assigned blame. Even if you’re under the impression that you’re not a suspect, it’s best to be careful about what you say. In fact, it’s best to say nothing at all. You might think you’re just a potential witness. But you might actually be a suspect. So, you must seek legal counsel before you even think about answering questions from the authorities.

You can request an appointment at the police station and attend that appointment with your criminal law attorney. The legal professional will ask you about the incident in question, inquire about your alleged involvement, and be in attendance if the police interview you.

One question your lawyer will ask is if you were read your Miranda rights. In other words, the police are supposed to inform you that you have the right to remain silent.

2. Call a Lawyer if the Police Want You to Sign Something

The authorities aren’t permitted to compel you to do anything unless there’s sufficient suspicion that you broke the law. One police tactic is to tell someone that he or she isn’t suspected of having committed a crime — and that might be followed by request for the person to sign a release. A signed release can allow the police to, among other things, get a hold of tests to determine if you have alcohol or drugs in your system.

If you’re ever asked to sign anything, politely decline and tell the authorities that you want to speak with your lawyer first. It’s important that you find a lawyer to advise you on the best course of action. Only after you’ve been advised should you potentially agree to sign anything. Your lawyer may suggest you refrain from doing so if he or she thinks it might hurt your case.

Call a Lawyer if You’ve Been Arrested

It makes sense, for obvious reasons, to call a lawyer if you’re ever arrested. If taken to a police station, you’ll have the right to contact an attorney. It will be a very stressful time, so you’ll welcome the opportunity to connect with a lawyer who can help you. 

Don’t answer questions or sign anything until you’ve had the chance to consult with your lawyer. Anything can and will be used against you in a court of law. Things will go better for you if you retain the services of a lawyer to help get you out of an unenviable situation.

Facing criminal charges is never a good thing. But you can make things worse for yourself if you don’t know what to do and what not to do. That’s why it makes sense to hire a lawyer right away. A reputable criminal law attorney will know exactly how to handle whatever situation you’re facing. Your odds of achieving a satisfactory income will increase if you have legal representation.