Email autoresponders are the perfect way to increase your revenue. Someone is permitting you to send emails to them regularly. You just need to find a way to get more clicks, which some business owners find difficult.

It’s because you haven’t studied copywriting in the past. Luckily, if you implement a few techniques, you’ll be able to improve your conversion rate straight away. Let’s look at how you should get started right now.

Switch Up Your Headlines

When using an email autoresponder, you need to worry about two conversion rates. The first is your headline, which is the hardest to get people to click. You only have a few words to convince someone to open the email.

Copywriting books will tell you lots of cool things to try, but make sure you’re testing them against new headlines all the time. Only stop testing once you get to a point where it’s extremely tough to go any higher.

Try To Tell A Good Story

If you want people to love what you write, it’s worth focusing on stories. If you’re a criminal lawyer in Brampton, you could write a long story about defending someone, which would spread out over ten separate emails.

Readers would need to click every email to ensure they didn’t miss anything. It’s sometimes better than writing emails that don’t run onto the next one. Or subscribers will know they don’t need to open every single one.

One CTA Isn’t Good Enough

A single call-to-action is okay if your emails are short, but it’s not good enough if your emails are longer. Your emails probably will be longer because it’s more profitable, but most people won’t get to the end.

If you have one call-to-action at the bottom of your emails, nobody is going to see it. Spread them out throughout your emails, so everyone has a chance to click on them. Two or three is enough for a standard email.

Giving Away Helpful Info

People will stop reading your emails if they feel like they’re being fed a sales pitch non-stop. After a few days, your subscribers will banish you to the spam folder. You need to start giving people excellent advice.

Make everyone feel like they’ve walked away with a new piece of knowledge every time they open your emails. Some people assume nobody will give them money if they give too much away for free, but it’s usually the opposite that happens.

Speak To People As A Friend

When subscribers look at who sends them emails, they’ll likely see your company name. It would be a lot more personal if you use your own name. It would feel like a friend was sending them an email vs a for-profit company.

You can be a bit more casual when it comes to things like grammar. Don’t be afraid to throw in a funny meme every now and then. If people think you care about them as a friend, it’s more likely they’ll listen to what you say.

Email Works Like A Charm

Successful companies will tell you email works like a charm, but you need to learn how to do it properly before becoming very successful.