Having a relationship should allow you and your partner to feel happy and secure. Because people are innately social beings, connecting with others is second nature. How we handle these relationships spells the difference between one that is thriving and allows us to grow and one that is toxic and unhealthy for both people. 

If you have children, your relationship as a couple impacts their lives too. What they see and hear from their parents can affect their way of thinking and how they handle their personal relationships in the future. Whether you have a family or looking forward to a future together, nurturing your relationship allows you both to coexist harmoniously as a couple. Should there be any uncertainties along the way, you can always check out sites offering questions and answers about relationship and get expert advice from people who understand the challenges of maintaining a healthy bond.

Below are some habits to instill into your relationship as a couple.

1. Learn how to listen

Many relationships fail because one or both partners refuse to listen to one another. If your partner finds the need to vent or has some concern over something about your relationship, it would be best to 

listen and understand. Children from a home where parents have no time to listen, find comfort in speaking to someone else. Your partner may react the same way if they feel you don’t value them enough to listen.

2. Keep lines of communication open

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. When each person can express themselves honestly to their partner, the relationship thrives and lasts. Your partner knows they can be themselves with you as you are with them. A good relationship is one where no one else knows your partner better than you. You can let them know if you are upset or uncomfortable about something they may have done. You can also acknowledge their accomplishments and appreciate what they do for you.

3. Allow your partner to grow

Just because you are a couple does not mean that you or your partner should give up on personal dreams and goals. On the contrary, true love allows the other to grow and achieve their objectives in life. A healthy relationship is one that pushes and motivates the other person to be the best they can be. It is never selfish, and it takes pride in the accomplishments of the other.

4. Agree to disagree

You will always have differences. However, you can always agree to disagree. Respect each other’s opinions, rather than argue about them.

5. Find time to focus on each other

While you and your partner may have responsibilities and obligations to fulfill, you must always find time to spend together, away from work-related activities. Going out on a date or even staying in bed together can spice up your relationship. It gives you the chance to reminisce, laugh together, and reignite your passion for each other. 

Self-centeredness has no room for a healthy relationship. You are no longer thinking for yourself. It is keeping your partner’s best interest at heart that counts the most.