As well know, anyone who goes against or does something against the law is considered a criminal. As such, the term ‘criminal’ is quite broad and could be everything between breaking and entering someone’s private property to assaulting someone or becoming involved in a murder. When someone says that criminal lawyers aren’t a necessity in this society, they don’t understand the ramifications of what they’re suggesting.

Without criminal law, our entire society risk falling into utter chaos. You could go back in time to thousands of years ago and see that this form of justice has already been in place. As such, criminal law is interwoven into the very root of modern-day society.

That being said, so many unfortunate things could happen to people within their lifetime. Perhaps you were at the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up getting accused for something you played no part in. Whether you’re guilty or not guilty of the accusation, the best course of action when you land in this kind of situation is to get legal advice and representation from only the best Paramatta Criminal Lawyers—doing so can greatly affect the outcome of your case.

If you’re still on the fence about hiring an expert criminal lawyer for your case, here are 8 reasons why you should.

Lessen Your Chances of Risky Outcomes

Most people are hesitant to hire a criminal lawyer because they’re worried that it might be too expensive, and they’d end up breaking the bank. However, choosing not to get a criminal lawyer may end up costing you more in the long run. You see, if you choose to go unrepresented for your case, you run the risk of exposing yourself to disastrous outcomes. These could potentially include:

  1. Being falsely accused or charged of a crime you didn’t commit
  2. Being found guilty by the judge and jury even though you’re not
  3. Being imprisoned even though you’re innocent
  4. Your DNA or personal information gets entered into the police’s database
  5. Not being able to acquire a driver’s license because of your criminal record
  6. Not being able to get a job because of your criminal record
  7. Getting fired from your job because your boss discovered your criminal record

If you engage in the services of a criminal lawyer, they can help ensure that you won’t reach these disastrous outcomes.

Submit Your Bail Application Right

When you’re involved in a criminal case, one thing you don’t want is to be remanded in custody while waiting for your trial. If the court doesn’t agree to give you bail, they won’t rehear your application unless something in your circumstances changes. As such, it’s fundamental that you get your bail application right the first time.

This is where a criminal lawyer comes in: they’ll help prepare your application for you to ensure that it’s presented properly.

Identify Gaps in the Opposition’s Case

Another good reason why having a criminal lawyer on your side is that they can help identify any shortcomings or weaknesses in the opposition’s case even before you go on trial. While preparing for the trial, your criminal lawyer can help assess evidence and find ones that are inadmissible. This refers to evidence that isn’t allowed to be presented in court.

Reduce Your Stress and Anxieties

The law is constantly changing, and it can be difficult to remember everything, leading to complex issues possibly arising. It’s not easy to become a criminal lawyer—it takes years of hard work and experience to become one. As a regular person who doesn’t have expert knowledge about criminal law, you need someone to help you navigate and understand it. Knowing that an expert is on your side can help relieve and reduce all your worries.

Receive Support During Police Interviews

The time you get arrested by the police and asked to participate in an interview is one of the most critical times when you’re involved in a criminal case. Interacting with the police can be overwhelming and daunting, and you don’t really know how to act around them. Before agreeing to a police interview, it’s best to know what your rights are and what you should do or say to ensure that you don’t arouse any suspicion. Having a criminal lawyer during this critical time can be a great help.

Present Accurate Evidence

When it comes to criminal trials, rules revolving around evidence can be complex. For instance, going to a trial while unrepresented isn’t ideal because you might end up asking questions that don’t comply with the rules of evidence. So, when you try to cross-examine a witness on your own, you’ll most likely be interrupted with an objection from the prosecutor.

When you have a reliable criminal lawyer, on the other hand, they know the rules of evidence by heart. This means that they can ask the right questions and present legal arguments to help you win your case.

Handle Public Interest Submissions

If you wish to make a public interest submission, you need to the help of an experienced criminal lawyer if you want to be able to do it properly. Criminal lawyers know when the right time is to make a public interest submission, along with a solid argument as to why the charges against you should be dropped. If the outcome is a positive one, then the charges against you will be dropped and you no longer need to go on trial.

Help You From Getting Imprisoned

Last and most importantly, a criminal lawyer can help you avoid imprisonment. Even if you plead guilty and get convicted for the crime after the trial, a criminal lawyer can help ensure that you avoid imprisonment as much as possible. They will do everything they can to present a plea in mitigation that will ultimately work in your favor.


Criminal lawyers are no joke, and they take their job seriously. If you ever find yourself in a situation wherein you somehow got involved in a criminal case, the next best thing to do is to employ the services of an expert criminal lawyer. They’ll be able to help you every step of the way, even when things may seem hopeless.