Are you trying to look for a VPS hosting company that can provide precisely what you need? With hundreds of web hosting companies all over the world, it can be hard to decide on which of them should you sign up with. It is the reason why we have provided all the tips you can follow to assess potential VPS hosting companies and help you decide which of them fits best with the services and support you will need in running your site — so keep reading.
What is VPS Hosting?
VPS hosting is among the three major types of web hosting — along with shared hosting and dedicated hosting. VPS is the best choice for small but already established websites that have consistent growth over the years and are expected to grow during the next months. These websites had already outgrown shared servers, and their growth has affected the performance of their servers, and to have a dedicated hosting server seems to be excessive.
With VPS, it is like having the best of both worlds. Clients are assigned a specific amount of resources; they do not have to share them with other users even though they are still using the same server. Furthermore, clients are given the option to manage their own servers in VPS hosting, so if you want to have full control and monitor your operating system, this is a good option for you even though you do not need the storage upgrade.
VPS hosting providers offer different plans that vary in RAM, bandwidth, memory space, security software, etc. You can easily find the perfect plan that suits best your needs. Add-on features are also available in case you need additional services. Sign-up fees depend on the size of your plan — the more resources you need, the more costly it is going to be.
VPS for Forex Trading
Forex trading VPS is also available for Forex traders. VPS helps in running traders’ Forex expert advisors 24/7. It allows the EAs to continuously execute trades even amidst power outage or any issues that may interrupt the connection. With VPS hosting, traders can expect no reboot, and they do not need their personal computers turned on at all times since a server is running the trades for them. It is a perfect service for traders who are always on the go as they can easily monitor their forex trading wherever they are.
Finding the best VPS hosting company for you
Here are some tips for finding the best VPS hosting provider that suits your needs:
Do your research
If you are a newbie in this field, your first choice would be going to the internet and searching for the best VPS hosting companies that can accommodate your needs. Aside from this, research everything you should know about VPS hosting and which type of services suit your website. Even with basic knowledge, you can easily maneuver in the industry, especially after getting assistance from the web host of your choice.
Ask for recommendations
It is a better option to ask people you know if they have already experienced signing up for hosting services. You can ask them about their experiences and if they have any advice for you. Ask them for recommendations of web hosting companies that they have worked with before. First-hand information from people you trust is always a reliable source to start with.
Visit multiple websites
If you have been given some recommendations or have found web hosting companies online, visit their websites. You can always get a gist of their services and how good they are at what they are doing just by looking through their site. If you are set on VPS, look for hosting companies that specialize in VPS hosting services.
Look for testimonials
All competent companies allot a section on their website to post testimonials or reviews from their previous clients. Reading through those can help you gauge the quality of services the web hosting company provides.
Do not hesitate to contact the companies.
Once you have narrow down your choices to at least three, contact each company one by one. You can already gauge their reliability and professionalism on the way they handled your inquiry as a potential client.
Ask the right questions.
First of all, ask the web hosting company about their fees. Ask if they have any hidden charges for you to avoid any surprises when it comes to billing. You should also inquire about their web security and if they can ensure that your site will be protected from any type of intrusion. Next, ask how you can scale up or scale down your plans in case you need to either upgrade or downgrade. It is also essential to know how good their customer support is. Can they accommodate you at any time? Do they have a quality chat or call support? These are only a few of the inquiries you should be doing when talking to your potential web hosting company.
Find the services that offer great value for money.
Double-check the plans that each company offers. Since you have multiple choices, you can compare the costs of one company to the other. Consider the features included in the plans and the add-ons that you want to have. Aside from costs, try weighing the pros and cons, and go with the company that you think you can benefit from more.
Go with the one that offers the best quality of customer service.
If you have done all the steps above, chances are you already have a good overview of how each web hosting company performs and communicates with its clients. Remember to go with your gut and always choose the company the fits best with your needs and could provide the most excellent customer support there is.
Choosing the best VPS hosting company is crucial to your website’s performance. However big your website is, you cannot afford to work with a web host that provides mediocre services. This is why it is essential to conduct all the needed research before settling with a company. You only want the best for your website, and choosing the right web hosting services can positively affect its performance and growth — you may even need to upgrade after only a short time.