Dating survey 2018
Dating survey 2018

Dating sites and applications are now incredibly popular, especially among Ukrainian women. People almost stopped meeting in real life and use the network. The annual survey has published an article about how love affairs have changed in the Internet era.

How do people perceive this kind of acquaintance?

The worldwide dating app market is $4.6 billion. Every year it only becomes more and more competitive. Unfortunately, it is difficult to calculate or analyze the level of significance. Companies rarely show collected data. But still, there is information that not everyone accepts online acquaintances equally. American people are ahead of everyone; Europeans, in comparison with them, lag behind. Modern applications are also not very popular in countries where parents choose future spouses for their children.

What are the results of the survey?

· According to the survey, which was attended by 17.5 thousand respondents in 18 countries, 63% of respondents were looking for regular partners via the World Wide Web.

· 16% of Russians search for soulmates online, and 29% are hoping for serious or lasting affairs, which is higher than the world average. And only 4% of French, 6% of Canadians, 5% of Britons and 10% of Germans search for loved ones for marriage online.

· The study shows that Brazilians and Germans (10%) appoint the most dates via the World Wide Web. The Dutch, Swedish, and Spaniards are less inclined to search for soulmates online – 4% of the inhabitants of these countries.

· 24% of the polled people admit that they deceived their soulmates using dating websites, and 32% of the respondents didn’t consider such “online love affairs” or “virtual sex” to be cheating.

· Judging by the statistics, the main reasons for spending time on different dating resources are searching for friends – 30%, building serious relationships – 18%, entertainment –16%, searching for a permanent partner – 12%, loneliness, and boredom -– 10%.

· In accordance with the study, online dating holds 7%. But translated from the official language of statistics, 7% is thousands of specific girls and men who meet daily on dating resources and want to get to know each other in reality.

· Online dating very rarely exists without lies about parameters such as weight, height or age. 81% of those who visit dating resources lie about this. Age becomes the subject of deception less often, and users make themselves younger in their personal data by only a year or a couple of years. In general, men add themselves extra centimeters of growth, while women more often lie about their weight, reducing it.

· Every 10th user on such sites is a scammer with a fake profile. As you can see, the chance to bump into cheaters is still quite large.

· This kind of acquaintance doesn’t always lead to meetings in life: a third of people refuse to meet, preferring a virtual romance to a real one. Although it should be considered positive because, a decade ago, as many as half of the users didn’t go on dates with other visitors of the sites after they met online.

· Scientists also conducted an experiment and observed how people behave while exploring the profiles of other participants. It turned out that men read other people’s profiles (the text information contained in them) twice faster and more attentive than women. But 65% of men look at photos attached to accounts longer.

· Online dating more often guarantees a strong marriage than dating in real life – statistics show 6% of divorces, respectively, against 8%. Scientists promise to study this phenomenon in more detail.

Tip – If you don’t want some creep to find out about your life, use a fake id California to keep them at bay.