ITECHirfan (CC0), Pixabay

The cost of developing a mobile game depends not only on the planned functionality but also on many factors: do you need help in preparing documentation, design, server-side development, and technical support.

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Therefore, the estimates below are very approximate. Why the cost is such and what is included in it as described in this article.

If you think that no one is more talkative than a person (and we agree with you), then call our managers to discuss the cost for your project or leave a request and the studio managers will contact you themselves.

Starting Guide

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that it is impossible to understand the issue of determining the cost of developing a mobile game for iPhone or Android smartphone in the USA, you just need to approach it systematically:

  • Formulating a marketing strategy is the main task that determines all further steps (including the technologies used) and costs;
  • Break down the entire process to understand which areas generally require assessment;
  • For each of the areas, determine the goal to be achieved by the work;
  • At the end of the article, after describing all the assessment steps, there are links to a mobile game development company in the USA that can be sent to candidates, an online mobile app development cost calculator, and other useful materials.


The cost of developing a mobile game can vary significantly, depending on the following factors:

  • Number of developers
  • Product orientation
  • Game format
  • The cost of software resources (whether a server is required, whether the game starts without an Internet connection)

In general, the minimum funds that will be required to shell out for the development of a mobile game start at $ 7,500 for 2021.

Holy Triad of Development

Game development is divided into three main stages:

  • Pre-production;
  • Production;
  • Post-production.


This is where every project starts. Basically, a mobile game development company in the USA starts its job with pre-production. It defines what the game is about, why it should be made, and what it takes to create it. You might have a great idea for the type of game, story you want to bring to life, or you might want to create one that uses a certain type of technology. During the pre-production phase, you should have answers to questions such as:

  • What is the game about?
  • Who is our target audience/users/audience?
  • Are there any analogs in this market? What kind of competition?
  • What platform will the project be built on?
  • How will it be monetized? Will it be sold on the platform or will it be sold for free with in-game purchases?
  • How long will it take to develop?
  • What personnel and resources will be required for this?
  • What is the indicative budget?
  • This phase can last from a week to a year, depending on the type of project, available resources and finances, and usually takes up to 20% of the total production time.


In the process of developing a game, you need to go through several stages.

  • Prototype: This is the initial trial of the game (which takes place during the pre-production phase and is detailed above). Some games may never get past this stage. Also, you should choose an engine — Unity game development company may have a pretty high cost, so choose comprehensively;
  • First playability: First playability gives you a much better idea of ​​the look and feel of the game. While far from final, placeholders are being replaced with better quality assets, and illustrations are added;
  • Vertical Slice: The Vertical Slice is a fully reproducible sample that can be used to present your game to studios or investors. A vertical slice, from a few minutes to half an hour, allows you to see the game first-hand;
  • Pre-alpha: Most of the content is developed during the pre-alpha stage. There are several important decisions to make during this phase of the game’s development. Content may be cut, or new elements will need to be added to improve the gameplay;
  • Alpha: Game Complete, which means that all major features have been added and the game can be played in its entirety from start to finish. Some elements, such as art assets, may still need to be added, but the controls and functions should work correctly. QA testers will make sure everything runs smoothly and report bugs to the team;
  • Beta: At this stage, all content and resources are integrated, and the team should focus on optimization rather than adding new features or capabilities;
  • Gold master: The game is final and ready to be sent to the publishing center and released to the general public.


Once the game is finished and released, the game development process continues with some team members being transferred to maintenance (bug fixing, patching) or bonus or downloadable content (DLC). Others may move on to a sequel or the next project.

A survey may be conducted to discuss what worked and what did not work, and to determine what could be done better next time. All project documents, assets, and code are finalized, collected, and stored in case they are needed in the future.

RexSoft. Progressive Approach

Finding qualified specialists in the field of mobile game development can be extremely difficult. Some take too high a payment, others require a percentage of sales and other lion’s pieces from the implementation of the idea.

One of the development leaders in the US market is RexSoft. Thanks to a staff of leading developers in the field of development and many years of experience working with Android and iOs platforms, their offspring are real works of art. High-quality graphics, excellent adaptability and optimization, customization flexibility, and high-quality post-production combined with the promotion are a guarantee of the success of the implementation of your creative unit.

The agency develops turnkey mobile games and applications, accompanying the client from the stage of the first business and «barbecue» meetings to the stages of promotion and marketing. Experts are always glad to work with new ideas and projects, so if you decide to create something worthwhile — hire professionals from RexSoft.