woman leaning on bed

If you are experiencing domestic violence, harassment, or stalking, filing for a protection from abuse order may be necessary to ensure your safety. A PFA is a court order that prohibits an abuser from contacting or being near the victim. If you are considering filing for a PFA, here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

Step 1: Gather Evidence

Before you file for a PFA, it is important to gather any evidence that will support your case. This could include police reports, medical records, photographs, or witness statements. Having evidence will strengthen your case and increase the likelihood of the judge granting your PFA.

Step 2: Find Your Local Courthouse

The next step is to locate the courthouse in your area that handles PFA cases. You can find this information online or by contacting your local police department.

Step 3: Fill Out the Forms

Once you have located the appropriate courthouse, you will need to fill out the necessary forms to file for a PFA. These forms will ask for information about the abuse you have experienced, as well as details about your relationship with the abuser.

Step 4: Submit Your Forms

After you have completed the forms, you will need to submit them to the courthouse. You may be required to pay a fee to file for a PFA, but this fee can be waived if you cannot afford it.

Step 5: Attend Your Hearing

After you have submitted your forms, you will be given a date for your hearing. It is important to attend this hearing and bring any evidence that supports your case. The abuser will also have the opportunity to present their side of the story.

Step 6: Receive Your Order

If the judge grants your PFA, you will receive a copy of the order. This order will prohibit the abuser from contacting you or being near you. It may also require the abuser to attend counseling or take other actions to prevent future abuse.

Step 7: Enforce Your Order

Once you have received your PFA, it is important to take steps to enforce it. This may involve notifying your employer, school, or other organizations that you have a PFA in place. If the abuser violates the order, you should contact the police immediately.

Filing for a Protection from Abuse order is an important step towards protecting yourself from domestic violence, harassment, or stalking. While the process can be daunting, following these steps can help ensure that you are successful in obtaining a PFA and keeping yourself safe from harm. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you through this process.