Finding gay singles offline can be challenging because of the prejudice and discrimination that they experience. Online dating has made it easier to meet single gay guys. You can now start a relationship online without worrying about being judged or discriminated against.

Dating online provides loads of opportunities for gays to chat and flirt with like-minded people. It’s fun and convenient since you will always find people who are ready to talk with you to find out if you are their dream date. Flirting online with gay guys can be an exhilarating experience since it boosts your confidence. Online dating attracts gays from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and body types. That means there is someone special waiting for everyone. You can flirt and chat with as many gay singles as you want until you find the one who is right for you.

If you would like to know how to flirt with buddy gays and get to know more about them, read on. We have provided seven tips to help you get your flirt on with gay buddies when dating online.

1) Be Yourself

Be yourself, and don’t try to make yourself look good. If your goal is to flirt with gay buddies to find a genuine connection with one of them, then you should be yourself. Avoid pretending to be someone that you are not; it is easy to come off as egotistic when you keep talking about your accomplishments and yourself.

Just be you and write the same way you always talk. Do not make yourself sound smart, and avoid using words that you often don’t use when flirting: It will come off as awkward and fake.

2) Be in the Right Mood

Remaining as the party wallflower or keeping shy won’t get you anywhere. When flirting with your buddy you met after checking out a review of BuddyGay, you need to be playful and avoid taking yourself too seriously. If you’re very serious or look boring, the other person won’t be interested in flirting with you. You should have a positive attitude and enjoy every moment of the interaction. Keep in mind that flirting gives you a chance to start a new relationship.

3) Understand That Flirting Is Not About Sex

Most people think that when you are fighting with a gay guy, it’s all about having sexual intercourse with him when you meet in person on your first date. But this is a wrong notion because when you flirt with sex in mind, you may look desperate to some people.

When you are faced with someone flirtatious, you should make them feel that you’re interested in what they are saying and not what they can do. In turn, your flirting will flourish as you learn more about each other.

4) Initiate Conversation with Something Interesting

The best way to start a conversation is to talk about something exciting. It can be a comment, an observation, or an interesting question. You could also read their profile and ask a question related to their interests. Talk about funny and light topics and avoid heavy or serious stuff.

5) Respond Promptly

Flirting involves two people, so you need to respond to messages immediately you see them. Be sure to show your gay buddy that you enjoy flirting with them. Taking a long period to respond could mean that you’re ignoring them or you’re not interested in knowing them. The bottom line is: If you want to flirt with someone online, you must be available to chat.

6) Don’t Overshare

No one needs to hear all the details of your whole life story, innermost desires, and problems: That’s blurting, not flirting. Save it for later. Avoid being a sad-sack when flirting. If you have been striking out a lot, this will not sound flirtatious. Instead, it will look desperate.

7) Make Sure You End the Conversation

Flirtatious conversations should end with the other party wanting more. You need to leave the other person thinking about you. In turn, this will make them wish that you would come back online for some more flirting and chatting. So always cut the conversation short before it runs out of steam, as this will leave them thinking about you.

Online dating has rapidly become the common way of flirting with attractive local gay singles. 70% of gays go online to flirt and find compatible dates. Dating online allows you to meet gay singles with similar preferences, backgrounds, interests, beliefs, and core values. It’s also safe and convenient, as it offers privacy and confidentiality

When it comes to online dating, you’ll meet gay guys from different tribes. However, all of them have one thing in common: They are all looking for like-minded people. The aforementioned tips will help you improve your flirtation when you’re dating online. This will give you the best chance of starting a relationship online with a gay buddy.