The frequency of motorcycle accidents is pretty high in Colorado Springs. A large share of cases Colorado Springs personal injury lawyers get every year have links with motorcycle accidents. The victims develop various kinds of injuries due to these accidents and some of them turn out to be fatal. This write-up would inform you about the types of chest injuries motorcycle accident victims usually incur.
About Motorcycle Accidents and Chest Injuries
There are some body parts that remain at high risk of being injured due to motorcycle accidents. Many of these body parts are unlikely to incur any injury following car accidents. That’s because a motorcycle rider remains more exposed than a driver. Additionally, the body position of the motorcyclists is significantly different from that of the car drivers.
When a motorcycle collides with another vehicle, the person riding the motorcycle often develops a trauma in his/her torso. While such injuries might happen due to a direct impact, at times there are secondary vectors that are responsible for causing the trauma.
Motorcyclists can develop major trauma if their body collides with another vehicle, object, or even the ground. Severe injuries may also occur when the riders fall from their bike and their vehicle falls on them and crushes them. Indeed, these two-wheelers are much lighter than other automobiles like cars and trucks, but they are heavy enough to injure someone severely by falling on them.
Common Chest Injuries Resulting from Motorcycle Accidents
The chest injuries caused by motorcycle accidents are often extremely brutal. The human torso is home to some of the most important organs, which if damaged can result in serious health hazards. If not addressed at the right time, such injuries may even cause death. Examples of chest injuries that riders incur most frequently are as follows:
Broken Ribs: A large number of automobile accident victims get broken ribs. However, this form of chest injury appears to be more common in people involved in motorcycle accidents.
You might think that it’s not a big deal to have some broken bones. However, the fact is that breaking your ribs will not only leave you with broken bones but may also cause serious damage to your surrounding organs. Many people with broken ribs also have many of their organs lacerated or ruptured, which can cause dangerous health complications immediately or in the future.
Lung Injuries: Lungs, which are the primary organs of the respiratory system, can be seriously injured due to motorcycle accidents. Lungs occupy a large part of the human chest, which makes them highly susceptible to injury. Your chances of suffering from lung damage will be extremely high if your chest gets hit by or hit against a sturdy, heavy object.
If the injury is too intense, there can be internal bleeding, which may eventually lead to collapsed lungs. Such injuries cause respiratory failure and often have fatal consequences.
Damaged Aorta: Aorta, which is a primary blood vessel in the human body, can get injured in a motorcycle accident. An injured aorta will eventually result in a dysfunctional circulatory system.
You may incur any of the chest injuries mentioned above or may have less serious chest injuries following a motorcycle accident. One of the first things you must do (after getting initial treatment) is contacting a reputable personal injury lawyer practicing in your area. This will allow you to get the compensation you deserve more easily.