While there are a variety of ways to get rid of the smell of weed, some are much faster than others, and that’s a bonus when people are around.
Have you ever wondered what’s the fastest way to get rid of the smell of weed? It’s probably happened at least once while you were smoking in your house or somewhere where you don’t want the smell to linger. This is a problem for many people, especially if they like particular cannabis strains that are smelly, and you know how annoying it can be when you go to a friend’s house and smell nothing but weed smoke.
Luckily, there are some tips that can help reduce those pungent aromas and make any room feel fresh again.
Storing Weed Properly To Reduce The Smell
There are a few things that you can do to keep your weed as fresh as possible while reducing the odors it gives off.
The first step is to keep it in an airtight container. This will help prevent oxygen from getting in and degrading the quality of your bud. A mason jar works well for this purpose. These methods also reduce the smell from leaking out and alert people that you’re storing it.
The next thing is to store it in a cool, dark place where it won’t be disturbed or accessed by children or pets. If you live with roommates, or if there’s any chance that someone else could come across your stash, consider keeping the container under lock and key—or at least hidden away somewhere hard for people to find, like behind furniture or inside another box (you know how people love their boxes).
Open All The Windows And Turn On Some Fans
This is an obvious one, but it’s also the most effective way to clear out a room of weed smoke. Of course, if you live in an apartment building or condo, you may have to rely on a window AC unit instead since you can’t open up your window all the way and risk losing your security deposit.
Smoke near the window, with fans blowing the smoke out. If there are two windows in your room (or if you can open up both), simply move around so that one is behind you and another is directly in front of where everyone else is sitting or standing—this will help ensure that everyone gets a clean breath without inhaling too much secondhand smoke from other areas of the house.
Run Your AC Or Heat To Add Some Extra Circulation
If you want to get rid of the smell of weed, air circulation is the key. Running your AC or heat will add some extra circulation to the room and help get rid of that smell. At the same time, you’ll want to turn some fans on to maximize circulation even more.
Use Odor Neutralizers Like Febreze Or Other Sprays
You can use odor neutralizers, like Febreze or other sprays, to get rid of the smell of weed on clothes and in the air. These work by essentially covering up any lingering scents with a fresh scent.
If you’re using this method on clothes, make sure they don’t have any lingering stains before spraying them down with Febreze or other similar products. You can also use these sprays to cover up cannabis smoke if your room is still smelling like weed after all your other efforts have failed.
If you’re looking for something stronger than regular air fresheners, there are plenty of options that might help you out in this department, as well. Some products claim to be able to get rid of the smell within 24 hours or less, and this can be ideal for those that are planning on having guests over.
Baking Soda will work wonders
Most people know that baking soda is an odor neutralizer and natural cleaner, but it can also be used as a disinfectant. It’s especially helpful when you’re trying to get rid of the weed smell because it neutralizes the chemicals in marijuana smoke so well.
Simply sprinkle some baking soda into your carpet, let it sit for about 10 minutes, then vacuum up all of the excess baking soda (you might have to do this more than once). Be sure to use unscented baking soda if you want to avoid any additional scents in your home.
Use edibles instead of smoking weed
Edibles are a great way to consume cannabis. In addition, edibles can be made with healthy ingredients and are more discreet than smoking. They also make it easier for beginners to try weed because they don’t produce as much of an odor.
Try Incense Sticks
Incense sticks are not just for lighting and scenting the air. They can also be used to get rid of the smell of weed in your house.
There are many reasons why incense sticks work well at removing odor, including:
- They are cheap and easy to find
- They’re easy to use
- You can dispose of them easily
- You don’t have a lot of space needed in order to store them
- There is little clean-up required after they’ve been used
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, the next time you smoke weed and don’t want your neighbors to know, try one of these methods. You will find that they are all very effective and will help eliminate the smell of weed quickly.