woman carrying baby while sitting on chair

If there is one important thing that parents need to ensure that is always available at home for the benefit of babies, particularly newborn babies, it has to be milk. In this article, we will uncover the differences between breastfeeding and formula milk feeding for newborn babies, helping you determine what is best for them. You will also be learning about the Hipp Dutch formula, a formula milk designed for infants up to six months, and a great formula milk that complements a mother’s breast milk.

For people in general, milk is packed with essential nutrients like calcium, B vitamins, phosphorus, vitamin D, and potassium. Not only this, but it is likewise a good source of protein. Regularly drinking milk and other dairy products may prevent bone fractures and osteoporosis and help people maintain a healthy weight.

For babies and children, drinking milk will support their bone health, maintain healthy blood pressure, support their heart health, and improve their immune system.

But there is this specific type of milk that newborn babies should have. That is, breast milk. Breastfeeding provides the optimum nutrition for babies and is the most widely recommended type of milk to give to newborns. However, as they age, parents will need to transition from feeding them breast milk to feeding them with formula milk. What are the differences between a mother’s breast milk and formula milk? This and more in this discussion will answer the most commonly asked questions about this subject matter.

How Long Should You Breastfeed Your Baby?

According to insights from the American Academy of Pediatrics, exclusive breastfeeding is highly recommended for babies during their first six months after birth. Then, breastfeeding should be combined with solid foods until at least their first year in life. Extended breastfeeding may also be done for as long as your baby, and you wish to continue.

Breast milk contains the perfect nutritional balance for your babies and boosts their immune systems. Breast milk is often regarded as the “gold standard” when it comes to infant nutrition.

Are There Any Additional Nutrition Necessary?

Parents or mothers should coordinate with their baby’s doctor about giving vitamin D supplements to the baby, especially if you are breastfeeding exclusively. This is because a mother’s breast milk may not provide sufficient vitamin D, which helps the baby absorb nutrients like phosphorus and calcium, nutrients that are necessary for stronger bones.

What Should You Do To Promote Successful Breastfeeding?

When you are breastfeeding, you should go the extra mile when it comes to taking care of your health. You must eat the healthiest diet, drink lots of fluids, and take sufficient rest as much as possible.

You must also read more about breastfeeding. Keep your surroundings calm and relaxed. Seek support from your partner or your spouse, and your other loved ones, and never be afraid to ask for help.

You may also talk to your friends who have successfully breastfed, as they can give you valuable information. Otherwise, you can refer to lactation consultants in many clinics and hospitals. Your health care provider of your baby will also be able to help.

Can You Use Only Bottles And Still Breastfeed?

This is also another question that many mothers ask about breastfeeding. If your baby encounters trouble latching on to your breast, or if you and your family prefer bottle-feeding, you can also exclusively bottle-feed your baby with breast milk. Pump as frequently as you would feed your baby from your breast. You can use a double electric breast pump so you can collect more breast milk in less time.

What if you have trouble making enough milk, or you cannot provide your baby with your breast milk because of a medical reason? You can choose to turn to a human milk bank and feed them with pasteurized donor milk from a bottle. One of the organizations that can help you find an accredited milk bank is the Human Milk Banking Association of North America.

What If Your Breastfeeding Is Not Going Well?

Previously, you have learned about the possibility of not being able to breastfeed because of a health condition, and you will learn more about things here when your breastfeeding is not going well.

If you are struggling, you should talk to your baby’s doctor or ask a lactation consultant to seek help. If the doctor of your baby is concerned that the infant is not receiving enough nutrition or hydration, they may suggest supplementing with formula or expressed breast milk, and pumping.

Know that breast milk is the perfect food for babies, especially among newborns, and the best way to keep them healthy. However, proper hydration and nutrition are also very essential for babies.

Does Infant Formula Milk Pose Risks To Babies?

There is a major difference between breast milk and formula milk for babies, and this is in providing them with immunity-boosting elements.

While breast milk is easier to digest compared with formula milk, infant formula can support healthy babies with typical dietary needs. However, babies who have unique nutritional needs may require a special formulation.

Can You Combine Breastfeeding And Formula Feeding?

Exclusive breastfeeding is the recommended way for babies toward their first six months after their birth. The breast milk diet will provide them with the best nutrition. When you suddenly give them formula supplementation without proper tradition, this can disrupt breastfeeding and affect milk supply.

However, this is not to say it is wrong to combine breastfeeding and formula feeding. You can do this, especially after you have established breastfeeding well.

When You Choose Not To Breastfeed, How Should You Handle The Resulting Emotions?

If you choose formula feeding, you must do your own research. Then, focus on nurturing and nourishing your baby instead of dwelling on the emotions, which are usually negative emotions. What you can do is relay these emotions to your doctor, a certified nurse-midwife, or your baby’s doctor. You may also converse with your support circle.

How Often And How Much Should You Feed Newborn Babies With Formula Milk?

First of all, it is essential to stay connected and coordinated with the doctor, especially when determining how much infant formula to give to the baby.

First Days

During the first days, newborn babies do not need a lot of infant formula since their belly is still tiny. You can begin by offering the baby one to two ounces of formula milk every two to three hours in these first days. But remember, this is only if your baby is getting infant formula alone without breast milk. Be prepared to give them more of this formula if they are showing signs of hunger.

Regarding how much formula milk they need, most infant milk formula-fed newborns will feed eight to 12 times in 24 hours. Yet, be sure to talk to your physician to know how much infant formula is best for your baby.

As the baby grows, so is their belly. More infant formula will be needed at this point, and the time between milk feedings will typically get longer.

First Weeks And Months

During the baby’s first few weeks and months, the time between milk feedings will take longer, around every three to four hours for most infant milk formula-fed babies. You will also need to wake your baby when it is time to feed.

Keep in mind that there are feeding sessions that will be long, and there are those that will only be short, and this is perfectly alright. Babies will generally take just what they need when feeding and stop when they are full.

The Best Milk To Complement Natural Breast Milk

When it is time to transition from feeding your baby with breastmilk to formula milk, you can find several milk products on the market. One of these is HiPP Dutch Stage 1 Combiotic Infant Milk Formula.

HiPP Dutch Stage 1 Combiotic Infant Milk Formula has been consistently rated as a customer favorite, ideal for infants from the day they are born. This milk formula can be used either as a complete breast milk substitute for babies exclusively formula-fed or as a supplement that will compliment natural breast milk.

This milk formula is gluten-free, GMO-free, starch-free, soy-free, sugar-free, corn syrup-free, and laden with the right nutrients.

When giving your babies the right milk formula, always remember that it will involve making choices and compromises. But what counts is doing the best you can as you reach this chapter in your life.