Facebook Likes
Facebook Likes

A great way to get more established on social media is to get more Facebook likes on this platform. There are many ways to do this, and you can go about this a hundred different ways, some not so good as others.

I just finished a Facebook strategy session and remembered to get some screen shares while doing it, so I thought I would write this post to show you the most beneficial way I have received Facebook likes on my fan page.

Getting Facebook Likes When You’re Broke

Free Step 1: Designing Your Facebook “Like” Box

This doesn’t cost you a penny, but you need to go to Facebook Developers and create your Facebook “Like” box. It’s effortless to do, and after you place the URL of your Fan Page on it, you can copy and paste the code into your sidebar, as I have on the right, where people have the option to “Like” it. You have to do this sooner or later because if you plan on staying in the industry for any time, you need to become noticed on Facebook.

Try out different sidebar areas to get the best results for clicks. Some people say that the very top right-hand position is the best spot for any widget, but I think it depends on the reader at the time. Play around with it and determine which spot is best for your blog.

Step 2: Inviting your connections and contacts is a fast way to get Facebook likes to your page!

If you have thousands of connections on Facebook, this will be a great start! You probably don’t have many friends if you are currently in the same boat as I used to be. Build your connections, and then ask them to like your page.

Building many likes on your fan page when you have no money for advertising is a prolonged process. But share, share, share! Don’t just limit yourself to Facebook; share to Google Plus, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Tell people what your fan page is about and what you’ll be posting about, and you will be surprised at how many reactions you get.

Step 3: Making the Connection

I am a huge advocate of building relationships. If you know nothing of link building, SEO, marketing,…or anything, you can still succeed in this industry if you develop strong connections with others. When you build relationships with people, you will want to ask them to connect with you(and you with them). One of the best ways of doing this is to guest post on a high-traffic blog. ComLuv Network and Basic Blog Tips are two very high-traffic blogs you can post to.

Should you give a great article to these people in a guest post? And please, don’t think I’m not advocating always writing excellent content. I believe you should always create great stuff, but when you have a large following, do you sacrifice a superb piece of writing and let someone else have it to gain the attention of new readers? Or do you feed it to the people that have been faithful to you for this long? It’s a hard decision, but I believe everything comes out perfectly when you focus on the reader. Whether you have to give up a great post or not. If you do, you have just won over another reader to your blog.

When you guest post on these two blogs, they allow you to place your Facebook link in the author bio. When you write a great post, people will want to connect with you, so take advantage of that.

Let Them Win!

A great way to bring in more Facebook likes is by holding a contest on your fan page. Two sites come to mind when doing this: RaffleCopter and PunchTab.

These are two specific products to use and apply directly to your fan page. You can also embed the contest in your blog so the members of your site can participate as well!

This subject is not discussed much if you don’t have anything to give. But what about a mention on your blog? Or interview the person who has just won? You can think of hundreds of different prizes when doing a contest like this.

The best part about it is not only can you “make” the contestants “Like” your fan page, but you can also make it mandatory that they follow you on Twitter, sign up for your list, etc.

Getting Facebook Likes To Your Fan Page The Paid Way

Let Them Win, Again!

I know I just talked about this, but the same principle applies here to what I wrote above. The only other fact with this aspect of the triangle is with a product called Agora Pulse. There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is it’s so high-tech, advanced, and professional that it costs money to use. The good news is that you can still try it out for 30 days free if you don’t have any money to spend.

Agora Pulse allows you to handle every aspect of your contest, placing images, linking back to your site in the contest, etc. They hold contests, “Instant Win,” “Quizzes,” and many other cool things that promote activity and likes to your fan page!


These have been some of the best ways to bring more Facebook likes to my fan page than any other. You select your advertising spot and let Facebook do the rest. Now it’s a little more in-depth than that, but I will show you what I mean.

When you finally decide to do Facebook advertising, there are a couple of steps that you need to do before your ad goes live.

Step 1: Deciding on your campaign strategy

You can choose three options in the first step of using a paid advertisement on Facebook. Since you are wanting more Facebook likes on your page, that is an option, so all you have to do is click that tab.

Step 2: Writing the advertisement

This is where it gets a little tricky. You want to bring in people and get their attention with the top line, and then tell them what you’re about in the bottom text. Make it catchy and essential. Bring it as a great value that they can’t pass up!

The content in the ad above will not make people come running. I just wanted to show you an example of what the ad would look like in the description to the right. I am running an ad where the headline says Want To Boost Social Media Traffic? See? Cater to someone’s wants or needs, and they will always come.

Step 3: Choosing your demographics

This is also important because it determines who will see your fan page. Notice in my ad I chose the age group to start at 18. I think it automatically starts at 13, but you want to change that demographic age group. The precise interests column is where you choose the people who would most be interested in your ad. Think very carefully and remember that this part and the actual writing of the advertisement should go hand in hand. Notice that I’m choosing the social media niche to target.

That’s all there is to get an advertising campaign started on Facebook. You may not get as many as you want the first go-around, but it does take some experience to learn what you’re doing. The good part about this is if it’s your first time, then Facebook will allow you only to spend $30 for the lifetime of the ad. That means no more money is coming out of your pocket, and there are no hidden fees or surprises. Doing it this way will ensure you get the experience you need when coming to the front with Facebook fan page likes for your advertising.

What does Facebook Fan Page Likes?

Recently a college professor asked a group of 500 students if they were on Facebook. They all raised their hand. Next, he asked them if they were on Google Plus. About 40 people raised their hands.

The fact is that Facebook is still a prevalent giant in the social media community. Getting Facebook likes to your fan page may not be all fairies and sugar plums, but it is necessary to ensure success online. More people are on Facebook than on any other social media site. Please don’t take it for granted. This platform can make you or break you.

Your Turn:

I want to hear more strategies for getting Facebook fan page likes when you have no money to spend. This blog is dedicated to the newbie blogger, and I would be grateful if you could take a turn and let everyone know your strategy of getting Facebook fan page likes for free.